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Thread: Row over Philippines sex tourism remark

  1. #31
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    So that is quite a few bob for a family of 4. Not so many British families will be able to afford that. And then there is the travelling time. .....not so appealing to the average British family. You simply arent gong to see many British or European families on holiday in Phils for those reasons, when there are closer and cheaper alternatives.

  2. #32
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    So, quite a few bob for a family of 4. And also the journey time.....not ideal. I can see why it wouldnt appeal to many UK or European families when there are cheaper and less distant alternatives.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    So, quite a few bob for a family of 4. And also the journey time.....not ideal. I can see why it wouldnt appeal to many UK or European families when there are cheaper and less distant alternatives.
    Very true The biggest problem for UK family tourists to Ph is the lack of direct flights and length of time it takes to get there. Even with KLM it's still in the region of 16 to 17 hours with transit times. Compare that to Bangkok or Penang where you can fly direct in 12 hours on a cheaper chartered flight. I would love to take my kids to Ph, and will do when they are older, but for now, the relative difficulties in getting there and the poor infrastructure, lack of good healthcare mean that I will keep them in Europe until they are a bit bigger.
    Which means that when I go on my own to SEA to indulge in my passion for travelling, seeing the jungle, walking, trekking, swimming, diving, long distance train journeys, trying out alternative methods of transport and generally learning about different cultures I must obviously be a sex tourist

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Wow, you have got some thin skin there friend.

    I would suggest that one reasonable way to avoid being dismissed as a troll (perhaps unfairly), is to not let how you say something take away from what you actually want to say.
    Spot on Terpe

    I agree with a lot (but not all) of what you say Callippo and have observed a lot during my own travels to the Phil's, but I don't understand why you feel the need to be so cynical about it We are a very varied bunch of people here, why or how we came to end up here or ended up with a Filipina partner or love of the Philippine Islands isn't something that other should judge us on.
    As others have said, if someone is only interested in sex, why spend thousands going to Ph, there are plenty of places you can get it in the UK? Why would a sex-pat or sex tourist choose Ph rather than Thailand? It doesnt make sense, Thailand is nearer, cheaper, has a far better tourism infrastructure...etc. That doesn't mean I don't acknowledge that there are sex pats and sex tourists there, of course there are, but I still believe based on what I've seen on my own fairly extensive travels to the nicer tourist parts of the Phils and some off the tourist map parts of deepest Mindoro and Bicol that most foreigners are there for genuine reasons. I stayed at The Bohol Divers Resort in Panglao a few years ago, it was mainly Brit divers there. Every night I would meet up with them in the bar and have a few SML's and chat about the world and life in general. None of them even hinted that they were there for anything other than diving. As far as I could see, every hotel, bar and restaurant along Alona Beach was clean and the patrons were there for a holiday or diving not to chase after bar girls. It was just the same in Palawan and Caramoan. Even in Boracay you have to look harder for bar girls now, they've been moved away from the beach bars and as far as I could see were only in the one disco on the main road just outside of DMall.

  5. #35
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    Some of us just can't say no.

  6. #36
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    here's a pic of a typically fat, unfit, drunken, old aged western sex tourist chasing after bar girls near Mount Mayon a few weeks ago
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #37
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    He must have bought one of the cheap tickets.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    He must have bought one of the cheap tickets.
    Are you referring to my photo Graham

    It was great fun whizzing 500 metres down the mountain about 50 foot over the trees I love anything thrill seeking - jumping out of planes, flying planes, microlighting...i've tried most high adrenalin sports, even dating Filipina's

  9. #39
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    "He who dares wins" - Derek Trotter 1981

  10. #40
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I see Taxi's all the time in London with Wow phillipines on the side buses two if my memory serves me correct, but the promotion of the Phillipines as A western tourist destination is quite shocking and I have to admit it does bring back horrible memories of meeting some of the shady guys who would nod and wink at you when you were minding your own with your Wife.

    In manilia I was quite shocked to see quite a few white couples in the most odd places in Manilia and looked comfortable there so I guess were working over there or at least on a long term holiday.

    But your right there is so little to draw people to Phill compared to some of its neighbours which is a shame as its a beautiful country with a lovely population.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Are you referring to my photo Graham

    It was great fun whizzing 500 metres down the mountain about 50 foot over the trees I love anything thrill seeking - jumping out of planes, flying planes, microlighting...i've tried most high adrenalin sports, even dating Filipina's
    YOUR photo ?

    Ah, I recognise the description now.

  12. #42
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by callippo View Post never ceases to amaze me the level of denial that goes on forums related to westerners and the Philippines.

    the main area of denial is this refusal to accept that somebody who has been chatting to some online phantom on the internet for months and then comes out the Philippines and marries them, which any messed up, inadequate slob can do anytime they want, or someone else who's purpose is to aquire what used to be called pre-internet a mail order bride to ship back home, is just as much of a sex tourist as some other messed up, inadequate slob that spends all their time with an SML in front of them in a bikini bar.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I am absolutely amazed that you haven't been kicked off this site for making nasty remarks like that There again, perhaps you enjoy the wind up ..... and everyone has ignored it

    Quote Originally Posted by callippo View Post

    ........... I love the Philippines. I'm going back for two weeks for four months, just as I have for years.
    I'm intrigued to know what draws you to the Philippines so much?

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post

    I'm intrigued to know what draws you to the Philippines so much?
    Girly bars I guess Rosie, he certainly knows his stuff about them
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  14. #44
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    I only discovered the philippines as a friend of mine was married to a filipino lady.

    She persuaded me to go and visit, I asked my friends, family and gym buddies and nobody knew anything about the philippines.

    They all thought it was somewhere in South America

    Your right it is to far for many British to travel there, but the extra effort is so worth it its an amazing place.

    The other thing was many people that I have met since being there say isnt it dangerous.

    So the 2 reasons I get from people not going there is to far, and perceived danger.

    shame really as I know a lot of people would love it.

  15. #45
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Girly bars I guess Rosie, he certainly knows his stuff about them
    Well ... yes ... it kinda looks to me like being a case of "Let HE who is 'without sin' cast the first stone' . ( Hope I've got the wording right!) I mean ... I'm surprised he purports to love a part of the world that he consistently denigrates in this thread. Undeniably, there's an element of truth in some of his statements about old geezers "in search of their lost youth" [shall we say?] But it begs the questions: What precisely are his motives here? And - apart from obviously creating unrest - what is he doing on THIS forum in the first place?

  16. #46
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    I agree on those points, but I DID take my friend there a few years ago.

    He loved the attention from the ladies, but couldn't bear the climate and the 'third world' aspects of the place.

    I think that for the sort of 'mollycoddled' holiday that most British families would need, there are simply too many cheaper and NEARER options like Dominican Republic or Barbados.

    Truthfully, in a very selfish way I'm glad that the Phils is still a bit off the beaten track for most folk from back home.

  17. #47
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    yep agree wiith you grahamw48

    as it is of the beaten track hasnt been spoilt by the idiots whites that go abroad

  18. #48
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    (Thailand ) EXACTLY !

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Well ... yes ... it kinda looks to me like being a case of "Let HE who is 'without sin' cast the first stone' . ( Hope I've got the wording right!) I mean ... I'm surprised he purports to love a part of the world that he consistently denigrates in this thread. Undeniably, there's an element of truth in some of his statements about old geezers "in search of their lost youth" [shall we say?] But it begs the questions: What precisely are his motives here? And - apart from obviously creating unrest - what is he doing on THIS forum in the first place?
    Well said Arthur

    It's a shame that the poster is trying to offend our membership rather than joining in and being part of our helpful and friendly forum. Someone with his obvious experience of the Philippines could be a great help to many members........even if it's just to tell anyone who's interested where the best bar girls are

    Instead of being an Ass, why don't you become an Asset

  20. #50
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Instead of being an Ass, why don't you become an Asset
    , Ian ... someone with HIS knowledge of S.E. Asia in general - and the Philippines in particular - truly WOULD make a better Asset than the he's coming across as being here, with such a splurge of vitriolic "diahorrea".

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , Ian ... someone with HIS knowledge of S.E. Asia in general - and the Philippines in particular - truly WOULD make a better Asset than the he's coming across as being here, with such a splurge of vitriolic "diahorrea".
    He's been a bit quiet today Arthur, perhaps he's busy in the Asian dating chat rooms, doing the sex tourist thing, pretending he's genuine and arranging to meet 30 different girls and hoping to them all on his upcoming trip

  22. #52
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    He's been a bit quiet today Arthur, perhaps he's busy in the Asian dating chat rooms, doing the sex tourist thing, pretending he's genuine and arranging to meet 30 different girls and hoping to them all on his upcoming trip
    and so many to choose from in FB
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  23. #53
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    ... check out the original link for the name of the US Ambassador who's been forced to apologise for making this claim ... Harry Thomas ... "John Thomas" - as in - might've been more appropriate!

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    and so many to choose from in FB
    Too true.

    I really can't make up my mind...and that's just the pretty young relations of the ex who've asked to be my 'friend'.

  25. #55
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Another idiot american putting both feet in his mouth before speaking ... what a
    ... reminds me of the about 'Polaris [nuclear submarines] Knickers' - one 'Yank' and they're down!

  26. #56
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    this issue sounds funny sex tourism? really why isn't there any female in their country and if it is about that so called sex tourism then they should go to the countries that permits this kind of job .... well it's true there might be some clubs or some of those that happens here but it is still illegal here and if you get caught then good luck

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