Carried from another thread so more people might read it and start a discussion..
Originally posted by admin@Jul 5 2005, 07:31 PM
Davao clean!!! EEEK!!! It's all brown & dusty.
I love the Philippine houses. A mansion, then next to it a single floored iron hut, then next to that a 4 storey breeze block house that looks like it will collapse if someone sneezed![]()
I was in Davao for 2 weeks, and seen 2 white people. I had to go out with the same driver every day. As for crime, we got got robbed in my wife's aunties house by the maid!!! :blink: She nicked a pair of earings, good job they were only 9ct Gold as she'd get bugger all for them there. Needless to say her job didn't last long.
Thats just 1 person stealing NOT the entire Filipino race (in davao)
when asawa and I were in Tacloban with her sister and her hubby (yanks) the yanks left a money belt with over $5000 under the pillow when they checked out (how stupid is that?) the belt was found by the room boy who would not give it to my wife (we were all en route to Angeles city) but the yanks left earlier...
he insisted on getting a trike to the airport and so retuen it personally, my wife accompnied him..
when the belt was returned to the 'yank' he said thanks and gave the room boy $5
I was totally disgusted, $5000 cash is more than the room boy earns in Probably 10 years he could so easily have stolen it...
After more hassle from me and asawa and his asawa the room boy was sent $200 (imagine losing all your cash on holiday what would you do?)
Anyway the roomboys honesty made it in the local press and was picked up by local govt then the govt tourist agency. he was given a honesty award and consequently he now works in Dubai in a large hotel..
so lets not tar all Filipinos with the same brush...
I have been to the Philippines 20 plus times in 21 years of marriage to asawa and I have never once felt threatened.. not in Manila, cebu ,davao, bagio or Angeles Ciry,
yes I have been ripped off by taxi drivers in Manila but now I speak a little Tagalog I find it helps..