Originally posted by admin@Sep 7 2005, 08:48 AM
We'll only go back if we really really have to, and luckily the wife is now a British Citizen, so she can rub it in their noses :P
I'd give anything to be in my wifes shoes when she next rolls up at Filipino immigration.

The scenario: A passport in each hand. One Filipino, one British. Looking at each, then looking up at the pompous trumped up dickhead at the counter, then stuffing the Filipino one back in her pocket with a look of distaste and slamming the British one down on the counter.

Nah, not worth the hassle really, no point upsetting the arrogant pricks in immigration. Just handing over the Brit one and talk tagollywog at the same time will ruffle them enough to make her day :lol: -_- :wacko: