Time flies by soooo quickly... It's my 2nd year in UK last October 5. It seems like yesterday when I first set foot on England's soil. I didn't like the weather instantly. I suddenly wanted to catch the first flight back to Manila. But when I got to see London, it's just like what I saw on the pictures: London Eye, Big Ben, the double decker bus and the ever-popular telephone booth (yes, my first UK shot is beside of that famous phone booth). And I told myself, I am ready!

Looking back, I learned a lot. Shed tears and sweat. Meet new people. Had a fun, fun rollercoaster-ride-type of marriage. Learned to like the English food. Become slightly alcoholic. Able to conquer my first mountain. (shame, I wasn't able to do it back home )

I'm thankful with this site, I met my wonderful Filipina friend. And we still remain the closest buddies.

Sometime next week, I am applying my ILR. Hopefully everything will be fine. And hopefully I will meet more wonderful and amazing people who will inspire me to bravely continue the journey no matter how difficult the road of what-we-call LIFE.