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Thread: Fiance Visa UK Help / Advice needed

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) GATIS's Avatar
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    Exclamation Fiance Visa UK Help / Advice needed

    Hi folks

    We are about to apply for the Fiance visa and a question raised after reading THIS

    Visa was refused because of ''You have shown no tentative plans or bookings to marry in the UK. You claim to be in a relationship for nearly two years now. It would be reasonable for me to expect to see some evidence needs to be satisfied that it is intended that a marriage in the UK will take place''

    At the same time they say:
    I am aware that the law relating to marriage in England and Wales does not allow for any arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the foreign national has arrived in the UK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do we need to arrange our wedding/registry/restaurant before applying for the visa... or after she will arrive in the UK???

    Many Thanks!


  2. #2
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    Hi there Gatis, welcome here to the forum.

    The ECO will take account of the whole application and all of the evidence submitted.
    Please do not get too concerned about the issues relating to the application of others.
    Each case is different.
    Just be sure to comply with each of the key requirements:-

    - Your Fiance(e) (or proposed civil partner) is currently living and settled in the UK, or is returning to the UK with you to live there permanently.
    - You're both at least 21 years old on the date of arrival in UK or on the date when a visa will be granted.
    - You intend to marry or register a civil partnership within 6 months.
    - You intend to live together as husband and wife or civil partners after you are married or have registered your civil partnership.
    - You have met each other.
    - You meet the UKBA English language requirement.
    - Until you are married or have registered a civil partnership, there is somewhere for you and any dependants to live without help from public funds.
    - There will, when you are married or in civil partnership, be adequate accommodation where you and any dependants can live without help from public funds.
    - You and any dependants can be supported without working or needing public funds, before appllying to extend your stay as a spouse or civil partner.

    The ECO needs to be convinced that a marriage in the UK will take place.
    The law relating to marriage in England and Wales does not allow for any firm arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the foreign national has arrived in the UK.
    Of itself, even a booking at a Register Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.
    However the ECO can reasonably expect the couple to have made some tentative plans and discussions together for the future wedding. Any evidence at all, however small, that's available to show that wedding arrangements are in hand will help in this respect.
    Think about including any facebook messages, e-mails or texts that specifically refer to wedding plans.
    Write a good letter to the Embassy supporting your application, and outlining how long you have been together and important events and meetings between yourselves.
    You may also briefly outline the start of the relationship, how it developed, the times you met face-to-face, some things you did together, your feelings for each other, why you want to marry, plans for the future and where you will live and how you will support yourselves.

    I have known people include quotes for receptions, cakes etc.
    Keep it simple and above all be honest about everything.

    If there is anything complicated or unusual about your application you should include a clarification for the ECO.
    It would certainly strengthen the application to include a supporting letter from the sponsoring fiance(e)s parents saying that they support the future marriage and that they are looking forward to meeting and welcoming you into the family. Nothing complicated.

    Hope this helps and avoids any confusion.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Im sorry to hear that Gatis.
    1. Intention---You better email the registrar your intention to get married on such date and ask if it is available. Once they confirm print it.
    2. Venue----For your venue look for a place or a restaurant and email them ask if they are free on that date and ask them to send you the menus and how much it cost. Print it
    3. Cake cost if possible
    4. photo of your desired wedding rings
    5. Guest List
    6. wedding invitation
    Note: DO NOT make any bookings yet just INQUIRE

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) GATIS's Avatar
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    Many thanks ynwa and Terpe!!! It was very helpful. I Have spent all night searching for answers

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Two things you can do is:
    1) Call the registry office, some let you make an early booking with a deposit of around £30, you will only lose that if you change the date later on. Get them to confirm via email/letter.
    2) Announce your wedding plans in a new thread on here and screen print it, as that's a public announcement.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Gatis ... as has already been stated, each application is assessed on its merits. Simply base yours on the *foregoing advice - which (unlike *that offered by hired agencies) is [excuse pun] provided free gratis!

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