My broadband has been playing up for ages, although it's been a lot better since I bought a new router and wireless adapter a couple of months ago. However, it's playing up again now.

It can happen any time of day,it slows to a crawl for half an hour and then it's fine again. I've run a few speedtests this week, and am getting 14+Mbps when it's working ok, but on other occasions it's that slow that I can't even load pages.

My modem has a bar with 5 lights on it showing how strong the connection is, it goes from 0-5 in a short space of time.

I've also got a status monitor on my PC which tells me how strong the link from my wireless receiver to the modem is, that is usually between 90-95%.

I think the problem is with the line, I've spent a fortune buying new adapters and modems and the problem still arises.

If I change providers will it make any difference to the line as it will still be the same telephone line?