Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
Maybe you need to meet a younger man with less responsibilities and 'baggage'.

This guy is showing all the signs of not being ready to commit fully to a serious relationship with you, and all the sacrifices and compromises that that would entail.

Personally I also think it's most disrespectful of him to book you both into a hotel when you hardly know each other, rather than just visit you from HIS hotel, but that's just me. Maybe I'm old-fashioned'.

I could line up dozens of girls from the internet and meet them in this way.

There is a lot more than that to a meaningful relationship and thoughts of marriage.

I recommend you look for a relationship with fewer obstacles and complications, otherwise you may only find misery and disappointment.

Sorry if that sounds harsh.
Hi Lynn,
What a story you have.

Firstly, I would agree with most of what Graham has said.
Maybe that makes me old-fashioned too

The thing that really gives me concern and puzzlement is why he is unable or unwilling to share the relationship you have together with his either his family, friends, or, (judging from the facebook aspect) anyone who knows him.

In reality you are his secret.
I feel that lies and deceit seem to be his byword.

In my mind, something somewhere is preventing him from being honest with you, with himself, with his family, and with his friends.

That 'something', I believe is the reason why he is making insincere offers and requests, false promises, tricks, manipulations, betrayals, halftruths, and giving his word falsely.

I do not think it's a good idea at all to go ahead with your suggested unannounced visit.
I think that kind of surprise should be avoided under the circumstances.

I don't get a feeling that he currently desires or is capable of any meaningful relationship.

No offence meant Lynn.
I just feel you are being used and that makes me so sad.

Is he divorced.