Lynn ... as one who's borne the brunt of fickle human nature myself in the past, my heart goes out to you. Here in the UK, we have a saying "there's nowt so queer as folk". Believe ME there's a lot of truth in it! And sadly, the truth all too often hurts. Equally, I wish it were possible to wave a magic wand and heal your emotional pain and turmoil. Instead - like the others who've already responded to your thread - I can only empathise with how you're feeling right now.

... it's not what you want to read ... but the very fact he's already had a past relationship with someone from Thailand, suggests to me your "boyfriend" could well be an "adventurer" - an internet predator - preying on young South East Asian women ... promising them "the earth" ... yet lacking the "guts" to "own up" about his real motives ... until he has scurried back to his own country after indulging in self-gratification. Worse ... he's done all this, whilst simultaneously ingratiating himself with your family - especially your two boys - by instilling them with false confidence.

But, rest assured, things usually have a habit of turning full circle - "Karma", I think it's called in your corner of the world - and YOUR time will come. Forget this man. You deserve better!

It's good to have you "on board". to the friendly, online filipino/uk community.