Quote Originally Posted by pinay4uk View Post
I am thinking of finding a way or convince him later by showing him that even if we are just friends I will never look for another man just like him will not be looking for someone else,maybe 1 day will still end up together?what do u think?.
Are you crazy Lynn...... are you really ready to STOP your life on the SLIM chance that he changes his mind?????

You are better than that!

As a man, if he has said he only wants to be friends, he means that he is happy to let you think that there could be a be a future together, when in reality, he does not want any commitment anymore. He will keep you holding on until you are too old to want to find another 'good' man. Dont waste you life on his false promise and be your friend, if you want love, you have to move on. I am sure I could speak for many guys here, after a relationship has finished, being friends is nearly impossible as one of you will always be wanting back what you lost. Dont waste your life... move on.