hiya Lynn..i do deeply feel how you felt and understand as well..YOU are not "ALONE"..I was in the same road as well..very similar..that only difference of us i think was i never been married from my past relationshipI am inlove wish I learned from my mistake in the past. I sometimes just can't understand, as far as I know not to sound proud but I have always been honest, faithful and focus to any of my relationship in the pastand of course very common i have a child from it..which i dont regret as because of her i have open my eye to a situation that at times we tend
to forget to think when where enlove
and through that experience same with everybody else we learn from it
Believe me..i know sometimes its so easy to say things and listen to other people opnion here and apply to your own situation but if you let go and just focus yourself to your kids right now ..you will be surprise one man will always come along your way to help you pick up your pieces again..
please believe me i was there already..and now i am fully aware and guarded by that feelings that lead me to who i am now..
cheer up and know that life is is too beautiful that you waste for someone who even not worthy to spend with from the start..!
have a positve feeling that is the mean thing that you can move on..dont presssure yourself either of finding love when it come it will COME on the right time and right reasonable way..![]()