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Thread: gaddafis dying words.

  1. #1
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Unhappy gaddafis dying words.

    Colonel gaddafis last breathe words have been revealed by his closest body guard who stood by him as he lay dying in a ditch in libya...

    his personnel body guard told the press that he should of married margaret thatcher when he had a chance to.

    The pair met at a tyrannical leader fancy dress party way back in the 80s ...when maggie was considering divorcing denis because he never sent her a birthday card..

    gaddafi n thatcher boozed and danced the night away dressed as hitler and queen lizzy the first respectively..and the gaddafi produced a ring and sed ...come be the coloneess of libya and ill pay ur husband 40 camels nd a neuclear bomb for his blessing..

    maggy thought about the offer for about 30 minutes on the banks of westminster bridge...then she broke gaddafis heart..

    she told gaddafi i cannot marry u mr gadafti im not finished destroying my country yet.. but one day when dennis is long gone and my country is in financial ruins and riots run amok on the street and protesters camping out side the financial district..i will come and find you...

    that day came on friday and maggie went to libya only to find the second great love of her life was in hidding and surrounded by troops...

    he died today not knowing that maggie had honoured her words and come back to him..

    they cud of been the new diana and dodi..A very tragic end to a beautiful love story .....

  2. #2
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Wow.. This is really interesting...

  3. #3
    Trusted Member
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    Jul 2005
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    Yep....very interesting.

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