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Thread: From start to finish guide for marriage ?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Question From start to finish guide for marriage ?

    I am a Uk resident born and raised and I have a Filipino girlfriend who was born in the Philipinnes, and is currently working in Dubai, My question is we would like to get married in the Philippines and later live with myself and my elderly father in our home in London, I am currently not working and living on Benefits and disability living allowance, we have met in Dubai and am going to see her again in May 2012, what steps must we take to complete this, from start to finish, from a nobs view (plain and simple) and also costs if possible hahaha Many Thanks Jon

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnie View Post
    I am a Uk resident born and raised and I have a Filipino girlfriend who was born in the Philipinnes, and is currently working in Dubai, My question is we would like to get married in the Philippines and later live with myself and my elderly father in our home in London, I am currently not working and living on Benefits and disability living allowance, we have met in Dubai and am going to see her again in May 2012, what steps must we take to complete this, from start to finish, from a nobs view (plain and simple) and also costs if possible hahaha Many Thanks Jon
    As a first step, let me say hello Jon, and welcome here to the forum.

    Secondly, it's a big ask to expect a response to your question as a start to finish step-by-step guide.
    Creating such a guide would certainly take a whole lot of time, and then at the end may not be at all applicable to your own (or your g/f) circumstances.

    It would be much better to break down into smaller sections.

    Just to start the ball rolling, and before getting into the details of a Philippine wedding and spouse visa application etc, let me just kindly ask you if you have done any research at all into what is currently required from you as a spouse and visa sponsor?

    You mention that you are currently not working and living on benefits and disability living allowance.
    Have you considered how you will be able to support an additional adult consumer in the household?
    Have you considered if your financial status will be sufficient to "pass" the financial "test" of UKBA for the granting of a visa? under both current rules and under the expected new rules.

    It's not expected that you will divulge your personal financial details, just that you consider the visa requirements.

    All forum members are here to help, but lets try to establish the likely outcome of your quest before going into specific details of how to get married and then have your wife here in UK.

    No offence Jon just trying to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    hi jon welcome to friendly and very informative forum, you will learn a lot by taking time to read threads and posts which relate to your circumstances, Terpe is very well informed of these matters , please take notice of his advice and information and provide usefull details as a guide to to the information you need,the last thing you want is to head into a heartbreaking situation by not being properly advised there are many others here with their good advice too,

    good luck to you jon

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    welcome sorry if this offends you you havent a chance in hell i appled to get a visit visa for my fiancee and i showed more than what you get plus other members of my familey in support too you will need to show after any bills you may payout anough money left over to be able to support her and that would be more than what single benifet you get ie single £62 per week carer allowence was over £54 look it this way what you going to do if she dont get any work ive been on dhss and i strugled on the £62 they gave me and i dont smoke/ drink am not having a go at you but you will be better her get a working visa were you not the one who needs to sponcer her in uk look on ukba site at top under visa one she needs ielts english language test then spouse visa approx £800 then air tickets £500 return pp then price wedding this is only a small part of the cost good luck

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thank you

    Sorry I didnt reply sooner, Bt cut of my supply for being in credit ???

    Any way thank you all for your comments, I have read many things on here which may help me along the way thank you so much for replying

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