was it assisted suicide...the mad dog of the middle east colonel gaddafi apparantley died clutching a vile of the hypnotic double agent propfol.. gaddafi 69 had been holed up at his butlins style subterranean holiday spa in sirte having his chronic insomnia issues treated when the NTC forces burst in...and caught him red handed...A spokesman for the commandos who led the seige on the colonels hidey hole sed the place was a right mess nd was littered with countless roach ends, crack bongs and empty liquor bottles.

we think he was self medicating with gallon bottles of creme dementhe and dutch skunk hybrids .. captain mustapha camel commented... but hed reached his tolerance level and needed regular topping up..with a cocktail of pre surgical drugs recommended to him by er er relatives...

libyan security forces praised the assistance theyd recieved from foreign intelligence agencies which may have secured the right GPS co ordinates that finaly nailed gaddafis hide out.

they simply followed all the colonels daft strictly come dancing tweets urging the removal of nancy del ollio ... captain kamel added....

the mads dog bet 50,000 dollars shed be booted out last sunday...