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Thread: Magic Vs. Logic

  1. #1
    Member burf316's Avatar
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    Magic Vs. Logic

    I wonder how some people I know are lucky enough to meet the man of their dreams. For one certain point of their lives, it changed magically! Just like in a fairy tale, they meet their Prince Charming and lived happily ever after. From rugs to riches, everything changed from the clothes they are wearing, places they've been, people around them and opportunities that life can offer.

    Although I was born in a well off family, still I envy some friends I met who are now living in other countries with their foreign husband and mixed race kids or those who has a foreign boyfriend sending them gifts and taking care of them even though they are miles apart. I envy them because someone is taking care of them, showering them love and making them feel how special they are.

    I have tried my luck before to find someone special online but I guess I am not as lucky as them. I only find rude, immoral maniacs online who would only ask for me to get naked online. The ending of my search is just me getting pissed off and feeling more frustrated. This made me feel unlucky and hopeless in finding the man of my dreams.

    I guess sometimes life isn't fair. You can not get everything you like.

    For now, I am just searching for a job and focusing to have greater opportunities in life in getting a career in another country perhaps.Plus I am also enrolled in an Online University. I guess I need to divert my attention in another path in life. But to be honest, on the back of my mind, I am still wishing, hoping & praying to find my prince charming.


  2. #2
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    Hi there,
    I'm a little bit disturbed when I read your message, because you place such a high regard on having a foreign husband as though it really is something special, when it really isn't.
    You are a special person, you are obviously intelligent and beautiful and ready to take on the world. You can achieve so much in the world, but you don't need someone to do that, it's just great to share that journey of life with another person while you experience the hurdles of life.
    Whether your partner is Filipino or Foreign, if you love each other and have a good life, thats what counts.

    When it comes to meeting a foreigner, it might look all great from outside, but if you read here, many Filipina's go through challenging times. I know how hard the cultural differences can be between my wife and I, and something so minor said in the morning can turn the day it a nightmare full of arguments.
    Some Filipina have such a distorted and heavenly view of what the west is like that they are suddenly very much let down when they find it's actually not like a hollywood movie when they arrive.
    Also you have to get your priorities right, materialistic things and wealth can always be taken away, but love is something you can treasure forever with the right person.

  3. #3
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Hi there,
    Whether your partner is Filipino or Foreign, if you love each other and have a good life, thats what counts.

    I agree with you, Ricky.

    I got to say that I've been in that situation too but I just realized that there are more things in life than looking for someone to love. It's been a year since I've been to a real relationship. Then I've tried the internet to look for someone and I thought I was lucky coz I've meet online a guy who I thought was perfect for me. But life is not all roses, LDR is really hard and we often fought coz both of us are proud and he didnt like it. We ended our communication. Then I meet another one from a datingsite, I enjoyed chatting with him and I was willing to give him more of my time. To make the story short, he wasnt the man I thought he was. Another liar kind of guy and I ended our communication. For weeks that I've been thinking deeply about my life, about my future, about what I want, about who I am, I've come up with the decision that I will stop looking. I will enjoy life and enjoy the moments with my friends, pursue the career I've always dreamed of, and be the right person for the right kind of man.

    About foreign husband, dont think that the filipinas who married foreigners are lucky. The luck comes when both are in love with each other because that love made it possible for them to tolerate and accept their differences. Foreigner or not, when it comes to relationship, it takes a lot of hard work and compromises for it to work out. And lots of love too, that's the only reason why two person decided to be with each other.
    Last edited by sweetnote143; 24th October 2011 at 08:29. Reason: spelling :)
    love makes life worth living

  4. #4
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    I would say Love Moves in Mysterious Ways... Just continue the things you love doing, get busy with hobbies or spend your time with friends and families. Coz thats what I did. I am living my life and enjoyed it. Until now, I find it funny that I married a foreign guy I met online when I was still 18 or 19. It was that lively, happy and independent me that made him looked for me when our communication stopped. The rest is history.

  5. #5
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedMe View Post
    It was that lively, happy and independent me that made him looked for me when our communication stopped. The rest is history.
    love that
    love makes life worth living

  6. #6
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Sorry so cheesy... Hihihi

  7. #7
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    no it's not, just show that true love does exist
    love makes life worth living

  8. #8
    Member Davao lani's Avatar
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    Wow, I like your posts-Ricky, sweetnote and confusedMe. It is true indeed!

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    falling in love to me takes time, but with others it can happen straight away, yes if you want to say those magic words to someone its easy , I LOVE YOU, well meaning those words i think is more important then saying them, with myself and Emma i did not say i love her till a while after i came home, i just wanted to know myself before i gave falsh hope to someone, yes some people say i should have but its better meaning what you say then thinking you might not too,

  10. #10
    Member burf316's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for the reply... I hope love will find the way... For now, I need to focus on the other side of life.
    [COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]Thank you everyone! [/COLOR]

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