Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
thanks tone as yet i havent implimented all of your advised changes, second user account i have already , i will later impliment the security changes to wirless, iv been pretty tied up with other things lately, i know it wont take long its just getting my finger out lol,

although i scan regular for trojens ect , most recent thing found was an attached pe script which showed up as malware, but this was found well after my card was done,
i still have that feeling theres something in my comp that not being found, things like my hearing the fan seems to come on often even when im not using as if somethings busy ,
so reluctantly im thinking maybe i should re install windows to get a clean wipe,
as yet iv not needed to use my new card over the net,

another security measure i have that bank advises is trusteer which gives more security for log ins and transactions, there may have been one site i forgot to use it on
If you really are concerned that something is on your PC which is obtaining your details you simply formatting the HDD in the PC will not be enough. Plus there is a possibility the issue is in your Bios. basically anywhere there is a device which can be written to and data stored even when powered off, Sorry to make you para. Highly unlikely but worth not discounting if you really have a serious issue.

Trojans and malware can only be found once discovered or something similar enough for the AV to say hang on what we have here. Plus Even the best AV can't remove all malware and as you say you need to write completely over and in some very extreme cases where money and confidential data is involved i would advise a totally fresh HDD

Like Tone says never ever use a device day to day in Admin mode just asking for trouble..

The one of the best security polices and I hope Tone will agree with me is not to take short cuts or be lazy.

Often see people running in Admin or disabling on UAC on Vista. Disabling security checks or browsing the Web or using a network with weak security or in Admin account...

So what if you keep getting asked to input your password or have to choose to right click and run in admin if it makes you stop and think what your doing.

Another thing is there someone around you who maybe doing this sometimes easy to blame Technology could be simply a person looking at your credit card?

Many people use a prepaid card on line if it worth considering this for small purchases possibly even large?

What do you use your computer for? If like Tone says Peer to peer, user groups then I would advise you do not use the same PC for Banking or transactions.

Les your right in most cases the bank will refund but i could think of scenario's where if it was buying credits in a game where the device ie your mac address and ip were registered card details given it might become a bit more complicated saying you did not do..

Also the visa check where it asks for a part of password set up by Visa and your bank for approval is not a total failsafe if the website does not use then the money can still be withdrawn on the card..

For example if a malware connects to a gambling or porn site buys credits with your details and shows the device as connected very very hard to say you did not purchase the "credits"

Again possibly far fetch but best to discount I hope you get sorted soon