The first time i noticed when i was out in Glasgow airport was the weather,its too cold especially from someone who came from a tropical country like philippines,but it never bothers me and thought to myself that i like it and for a change not to worry of bringing a sweat towel all the time...after 2 days got a cold and flu really bad,but my fiance never left me and always made sure that i got a proper medications for my flu,i am a bit worried when he worried much for me...after the medications and flu gone we had the chance to go out and he brought me to the nearest town and shops,he tried me to deal small things first telling me that its time for me to learn small things everyday...i can say that i very much like here,the surroundings,no pollution,the air,everything...except the people it seems that they mind their own which i think is better not unlike back home everybody knows everybodys business
,when i left my family,my 2 kids and my dogs in philippines i promised myself that i will not think about them all the time and i will not give myself time to reminisce things that will make my self feeling homesick and i think thats the right attitude being away,at the end of the day i am with the man i want to be with my life....i still feel bored especially when my fiancee watching and concentrating on his football
just like today while his watching i told him that i will have a jog and he was worried that i will be lost
done few km and made me feel better.....just hope that every filipina who will be settling here too can handle it well too....thank you for reading and hope some of u have a thought and share it with me..