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Thread: after 10 days of being here in the Scotland U.K.....

  1. #1
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    after 10 days of being here in the Scotland U.K.....

    The first time i noticed when i was out in Glasgow airport was the weather,its too cold especially from someone who came from a tropical country like philippines,but it never bothers me and thought to myself that i like it and for a change not to worry of bringing a sweat towel all the time...after 2 days got a cold and flu really bad,but my fiance never left me and always made sure that i got a proper medications for my flu,i am a bit worried when he worried much for me...after the medications and flu gone we had the chance to go out and he brought me to the nearest town and shops,he tried me to deal small things first telling me that its time for me to learn small things everyday...i can say that i very much like here,the surroundings,no pollution,the air,everything...except the people it seems that they mind their own which i think is better not unlike back home everybody knows everybodys business,when i left my family,my 2 kids and my dogs in philippines i promised myself that i will not think about them all the time and i will not give myself time to reminisce things that will make my self feeling homesick and i think thats the right attitude being away,at the end of the day i am with the man i want to be with my life....i still feel bored especially when my fiancee watching and concentrating on his footballjust like today while his watching i told him that i will have a jog and he was worried that i will be lostdone few km and made me feel better.....just hope that every filipina who will be settling here too can handle it well too....thank you for reading and hope some of u have a thought and share it with me..

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i admire anyone who can come to a differant country and settle in, well done and just take each day as it comes, its very hard for us too , we think all the time will you be ok and is it safe for you too, but in time all the fears do go away , soon your partner will be jogging with you instead of watching his football i am sure, if not take the fuse out of the plug on the tv then he has no choice, good luck

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    wrap up warm, layers of clothes to keep you warm, keep feet warm when out in the cold through winter, if they get cold the rest of your body will feel cold and miserable,,, also keep your head warm, i nice thick hat or hood, most body heat is lost from the head, warm gloves too(handy for throwing snow balls at hubby
    most guys are addicted to their football on tv,, just sit on his knee and let him know your feeling neglected

  4. #4
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i admire anyone who can come to a differant country and settle in, well done and just take each day as it comes, its very hard for us too , we think all the time will you be ok and is it safe for you too, but in time all the fears do go away , soon your partner will be jogging with you instead of watching his football i am sure, if not take the fuse out of the plug on the tv then he has no choice, good luck
    was reading ur replies to him and suddenly he told me he want to walk with me

  5. #5
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    wrap up warm, layers of clothes to keep you warm, keep feet warm when out in the cold through winter, if they get cold the rest of your body will feel cold and miserable,,, also keep your head warm, i nice thick hat or hood, most body heat is lost from the head, warm gloves too(handy for throwing snow balls at hubby
    most guys are addicted to their football on tv,, just sit on his knee and let him know your feeling neglected
    thanks for the tip...he always made sure that i am wrap up in or out of house...thinking i might not need a jog just wearing this clothes feels like ur lifting a few pounds all the time...

  6. #6
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    Hi Togging. My wife manages the cold okay. But she was homesick for her moms cooking! Problem for us is neither of us can cook. My wife doesnt like English food too much. She had a cry the other day because she missed Phils food......

    Anyway. I think we are getting through it. Finding ways round it, slowly but surely.

    Good shopping (malling) to be had in Glasgow I gather?

  7. #7
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    hi lastlid..i think i agree with ur wifey when it comes to food,its very hard to get used to english food since weve been raised in a country that every food have a lots of erbs and salt ...anyways last night i was dying to have an i tried to make one with anything that i can see on freezer (bacon and breast of chicken)mixed it together,with soy sauce,onion,garlic,and vinegar and boom....almost like ADOBO back home ....i must admit i love the frozen vegetables!!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Love this post! I can so much relate to it. I did miss home and it does take a lot of courage to settle in different country. The first thing I did is googled the nearest Filipino shop which is luckily foun one close to where we lived, worn my long boots which I cant dare wear back in Phils, and Loved the idea of mix and matching layers of clothes to keep myself warm

  9. #9
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Hi Togging. My wife manages the cold okay. But she was homesick for her moms cooking! Problem for us is neither of us can cook. My wife doesnt like English food too much. She had a cry the other day because she missed Phils food......

    Anyway. I think we are getting through it. Finding ways round it, slowly but surely.

    Good shopping (malling) to be had in Glasgow I gather?
    tell your wife to learn cooking its so easy and handy is she will learn i suppose..i myself is a learner as well..and everyday is a struggle indeed and make you cry if you cant cook..i know how she feels and completly agree to it
    heres the link for her
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

  10. #10
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    Chinese supermarkets usually sell most of the ingredients for Filipino food, and often lots of Filipino branded products. We have a really good one here in York (Rougier St), and I know there's another good one on Vicar Lane in Leeds....for those around these parts.

    Even Tesco now have quite a good range of Oriental type ingredients.

    Can't cook ?

    Start with Omelettes.

    Buy a rice cooker...a NECESSITY, and sold in all electrical retailers.

    Sometimes I use those packs of frozen plain white rice from Tesco (4 x individual bags in a pack).

    In the Microwave (850w) on full for 3mins 10 secs...cut open the bag...perfect.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    Buy a rice cooker...a NECESSITY, and sold in all electrical retailers.
    I think we are getting there slowly. We have a rice cooker. Works well. I was amazed. Perfect rice eh.....

    Irony is that her mum cooks for a wealthy Phils family....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedMe View Post
    ........ worn my long boots which I cant dare wear back in Phils, and Loved the idea of mix and matching layers of clothes to keep myself warm
    Yes. I think that clothing has been a big success. I think she loves all the clothes that she cant wear back in Phils cos it is too hot.

  13. #13
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Its quite funny as when Rina and I were living in Kuala Lumpur she rarely cooked - she has been on You Tube I think and suddenly since being here she has been cooking a lot of Filipino dishes - only problem is she cooks for 6 people (only two of us here) and then she doesnt like eating the same food the next day so I have seen a bit go to waste which is a big no no for me.

    On the weather Rina has settled really well, but its been expensive on buying lots of clothes and boots and shoes.... and in two weeks the wedding so the overdraft was used this month for the first time ever.. I'd like to get her out for jog but thats a no no for her

    Hope you get it all figured out!


  14. #14
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    One of the first gifts to my new wife ?

    A sewing machine.

    She went on a course though, and qualified as a seamstress !

    Can't hold these Filipinas back.

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