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Thread: Help Newly Married and missing my wife.

  1. #1
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Help Newly Married and missing my wife.

    Hi Everyone my names Mark and I'm new here.
    I have just returned from spending 4 weeks in The Philippines where I got married in Malabon. Unfortunately I have had to return home and leave my Wife their until she manages to obtain her spousal visa. She is currently registered and taking English lessons for what I think is called an IELTS exam at a college near Monumento. can I add that her english both written and verbal is already of a good standard.
    We have asked an agency to help with the paperwork and have been informed that we cannot submit the spousal request until she passes this test.
    I would really like some idea of the timescale here and any potential hurdles I may encounter on the way.
    Thanks Mark

  2. #2
    Respected Member sim&lil's Avatar
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    Has your wife done her CFO seminar? The results on the English test vary depending on the company doing the test, my wife got her listening result on the day she took the test but the speaking took 2 weeks due to the company sending the completed test to the USA for marking.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your wedding.

    I am just a little concerned that you have instructed an agency to do your paperwork, when you can do it yourself for no cost. Just something to consider.
    Good luck in getting the visa.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    .............I am just a little concerned that you have instructed an agency to do your paperwork, when you can do it yourself for no cost. Just something to consider.
    Good luck in getting the visa.
    Totally agree. The agency will still need to ask you for all the documentation you have to supply anyway.
    Maybe your situation is rather complex and you have no time to focus, in which case it's OK if you have the budget and the agency have experience in your specific circumstances.

    Anyways, many congratulations to both on your recent marriage and hope you'll be together very soon.

  5. #5
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    Good luck with the visa Mark.

    You can find out everything you need to know about Spouse Visa requirements on this forum and on the UKBA website.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    congrats to you both and like the rest have said , cheaper to do it yourself

  7. #7
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    hi bigmarco welcome and congratulations!!! im from malabon too where from malabon ur wife???as far as i can remember theres no IELTS in monumento or is it just a lesson and training that shes taking? and i agree with what others is just a waste of money and time,got a friend from malabon too that used an agency and wasnt succesfull bec.of lack of communication from the agency and the in the end its a waste of time,and theres a lot of people here that are willing to help.

  8. #8
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Thanks Guys. My main reason for using an Agency is I thought it wouil save time as they will be very experienced in the processes involved and I have a slight fear of messing things up. Still inclined to stick with the agency but will make a final decision when Grace gets closer to taking her english tests. Just one point if anyone could advise me.When Grace comes over we intend moving into my Mothers home to live with her and I was wondering will this satisfy the authorities. Thanks for your advice and this does seem a really useful and friendly site.

  9. #9
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi Toging Grace is from Acacia and we got married in Malabon. She is studying in Monumento for her IELTS at a place which I believe is called Niners.

  10. #10
    Respected Member quickwillow's Avatar
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    Hi mark.
    First congratulations and welcome here
    I’m in a similar situation as you, my wife also took the IELT English test and was able to check her results online about 2 weeks after she has taken it. I agree with the other postings and would not use an agent to help you. Can I ask does your wife have a passport? If she already has a passport then I would suggest, not changing her name as this can be time consuming, as will need to do the CFO seminar first before applying for a name change. She will still need to take the seminar at some point, but it’s not necessary for the visa application. To be honest Mark I think it mostly down to you to supply the evidence and paperwork now.

  11. #11
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    I agree about the name-change.

    Keep it simple !

    All docs same names, correct spelling etc.

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