Hi guys - here is my situation in a nutshell - any help or suggestions you can give would be helpful.

I am a successful businessman - mid 40īs - living in Scotland. Reasonably good looking - quite fit etc. Married for over 15 years - 2 children - but...

Inevitably the old "love life" isnīt like it used to be. I miss the regular sex & GFE. I love my wife & donīt want to disrupt my whole life at this stage , mainly for family reasons.

With my wifeīs blessing , she would be OK for me to take a mistress / girlfriend. The "cunning plan" would be to sponsor a filipino woman to have her own flat in the UK & enjoy an excellent standard of living , she could work for our firm , send money back ( or just save it up) & simply have a fulfilling life over here.

If anything went wrong , we would simply pay for her to fly back to the Phils.

Any thoughts - Iīm thinking 2 issues:

(1) Getting a woman in the first place who would be happy with such an arrangement.
(2) VISA requirements for entry into the UK.