My wife has been here a month tomorrow (4 weeks) on her Spouse Visa. It has been a slow process. But finally things are beginning to fall into place, thankfully.

Managed to get her name on the lease of our rented property. So we can now open her bank account (doing that tomorrow). And also received her first letter through the post, this one being from our GP. She has registered okay, without a hitch and she has been allocated an NHS number.

For various reasons letters from gas suppliers, electricity suppliers and council tax statements have not been an option for us, so we were rather relying on the lease agreement change to enable us to get the bank account set up. Now that we have that sorted it helps open up a good deal more doors. Up till now she has been officially at 'no fixed abode' as far as many have been concerned.

I was wondering how some of the other folk, just recently arrived in the UK, have been getting along with this sort of stuff?