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Thread: Australia deports foreign criminals

  1. #1
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    Australia deports foreign criminals

    Well done Australia an example the UK should follow

    "A FEDERAL government blitz on foreign-born criminals has led to the deportation of 270 offenders - among them sex predators and cold-blooded murderers.

    Wouldn't it be great if our Govt deported the scum so the "community remains protected".

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Cant argue with that mate.

  3. #3
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    Lets all emigrate to Aussie :-)

  4. #4
    Respected Member sim&lil's Avatar
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    Here's some figures for you all. In the first half of 2010 (most upto date figures I can find) the UK deported 2425 foreign criminals. In the same time span another 29,172 persons were deported.removed or voluntary repatriated. So the UKBA does it's job. Sadly the media never print these figures as it goes against the anti-forrin agenda they have.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sim&lil View Post
    Here's some figures for you all. In the first half of 2010 (most upto date figures I can find) the UK deported 2425 foreign criminals. In the same time span another 29,172 persons were deported.removed or voluntary repatriated. So the UKBA does it's job. Sadly the media never print these figures as it goes against the anti-forrin agenda they have.
    What is "anti-forrin" about being concerned with the high levels of illegal immigrants, bogus asylum seekers and foreign criminals in the UK ?

  6. #6
    Respected Member sim&lil's Avatar
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    What I mean is that the papers only report on the stories of illegals who can stay, it seems by the figures that the UKBA is doing the job it was put there to do. As for the papers anti foreign stance, there are so many anti stories printed everyday. Case in point re the riots. Mail headline was 1 in 7 roiters was foreign. Surely it should have read 6 in 7 rioters is British.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sim&lil View Post
    What I mean is that the papers only report on the stories of illegals who can stay, it seems by the figures that the UKBA is doing the job it was put there to do. As for the papers anti foreign stance, there are so many anti stories printed everyday. Case in point re the riots. Mail headline was 1 in 7 roiters was foreign. Surely it should have read 6 in 7 rioters is British.
    I think you are entering the fantasy realms of political correctness - the riots were in the UK (England to be specific ) so most people would be surprised to learn that such a large proportion of the rioters were foreign. There's nothing wrong with the headline.

    The UKBA is a failed and ineffective organisation - I recently wrote to the Home Secretary questioning why a Ukrainian sham marriage fixer who was recommended by the judge for deportation after serving his jail sentence is now openly living in Sussex.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sim&lil View Post
    So the UKBA does it's job.

    The Independent Inspector of the UKBA seems to think otherwise

    UK Border Agency criticised over convict deportations

    More than 5,000 foreign criminals who should have been deported remain in the UK, an official report has said.

    The number who are not deported or cannot be deported at the end of their sentence is increasing, the independent inspector of the UK Border Agency said.

    Full details here (even though it's the politically correct BBC some might consider the report "anti-forrin")

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The UKBA agency does a great job. Just look at the way they work through visa's and get the vast majority of decisions right. The UKBA agency can only work within the laws and budget given to them. You'll find that most foreign criminals here are allowed to stay due to EU law not UK law.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The UKBA agency does a great job. Just look at the way they work through visa's and get the vast majority of decisions right.
    That's the pen pushing side of their operation

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The UKBA agency can only work within the laws and budget given to them. You'll find that most foreign criminals here are allowed to stay due to EU law not UK law.
    They are failing miserably at the enforcement side of things by not removing scum who have no legal right to be here. It's easy to blame the EU - the UKBA are sloppy and inefficient - look at how that Bolivian cat bloke was not picked up despite being an overstayer for years.

    The report states

    "Some of the circumstances which allow people to resist deportation can be predicted," Mr Vine said. "The border agency needs to concentrate on those cases and I didn't find find during the inspection that they were prioritising those cases in a systematic way."

    More than 1,600 foreign national prisoners remained in detention, having completed their prison sentence, while 12 were missing after being released directly from court or referred incorrectly, inspectors found.

    Meanwhile, some 3,775 former foreign national prisoners who should have been deported had been released from custody and were living in the community.

    Mr Vine told Today the UKBA needed to "really get a grip of this figure because it's a growing figure and it's not going away".

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well if you know how to run the UKBA more efficiently on the budget they get I'm sure your MP would be grateful.

    The UKBA spends a lot of time in courts trying to get people out of the country but either the courts won't let them, Human Rights allows them to stay, we can't prove which country they come from or the main one, their home country will not take them back.

    The UKBA have to do a lot of things with limited staff and resources, the problem is way bigger than they can manage due to the UK having no real border controls until the last few years. As Sin points out, they do the best they can with the resources they have.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well if you know how to run the UKBA more efficiently on the budget they get I'm sure your MP would be grateful.

    The UKBA spends a lot of time in courts trying to get people out of the country but either the courts won't let them, Human Rights allows them to stay, we can't prove which country they come from or the main one, their home country will not take them back.

    The UKBA have to do a lot of things with limited staff and resources, the problem is way bigger than they can manage due to the UK having no real border controls until the last few years. As Sin points out, they do the best they can with the resources they have.
    It's not rocket science

    "Some of the circumstances which allow people to resist deportation can be predicted," Mr Vine said. "The border agency needs to concentrate on those cases and I didn't find find during the inspection that they were prioritising those cases in a systematic way."

    "Meanwhile, some 3,775 former foreign national prisoners who should have been deported had been released from custody and were living in the community"

    When these ineffective bureaucrats aren't on strike they're on the lash at our expense

    Paid to party on your tax: How civil servants were given time off work for drunken sports day hours after voting for a mass strike

    Read more:

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Your point is being argued on the basis that you have no idea on the individual 3,775 cases and why they were not deported.

    When these ineffective bureaucrats aren't on strike they're on the lash at our expense
    That's a very generic statement and can be used for every company, as even the private sector gets it's money from us.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Your point is being argued on the basis that you have no idea on the individual 3,775 cases and why they were not deported.
    Report says they should have been deported and they haven't been therefore UKBA have failed in their duty as they have in failing to ship out this convicted sham marriage fixer

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That's a very generic statement and can be used for every company, as even the private sector gets it's money from us.
    That's capitalism and I decide who gets my money. The UKBA aren't a company but a state funded and run operation.

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Report says they should have been deported and they haven't been therefore UKBA have failed in their duty as they have in failing to ship out this convicted sham marriage fixer

    If you toook the time to find the facts on this case you'd discover that the UKBA will be deporting him but the paperwork is not yet completed as they need to wait for the Ukraine to authorise it, and the courts let him out on the streets not the UKBA.

    That's capitalism and I decide who gets my money. The UKBA aren't a company but a state funded and run operation.
    And an operation that can't do everything it is supposed to due to lack of resources, the exact same as my company has a massive backlog of work to get through and it's growing.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you toook the time to find the facts on this case you'd discover that the UKBA will be deporting him but the paperwork is not yet completed as they need to wait for the Ukraine to authorise it, and the courts let him out on the streets not the UKBA.
    Where do you get that one from ? I've read the facts and watched the BBC feature. The BBC report says UKBA is "considering" deporting him and why do we have to wait for another country to "authorise" our deportations ? - there are daily flights to Kiev so stick him on one

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    And an operation that can't do everything it is supposed to due to lack of resources, the exact same as my company has a massive backlog of work to get through and it's growing.
    All public sector organisations claim a lack of funding but they are never so vocal when it comes to levels of staff sickness and numerous layers of ineffective management. Yours and other private companies backlogs/workloads have nothing to do with a failed state body that puts the population at risk by allowing foreign criminals to remain at liberty.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    to dedworth for being word up champ

    you've watched UK border farce , when they catch the illegals they are let go and told to report to cops, and many are never seen again, thats not UKBA's fault but the govs for not having any where for them to be held and for not same day processing them back to where ever they came from

    and to the humans rights act, if your here illegally you should be deported, where you can apply for the right visa to come here, just like everyone else

  18. #18
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    The answer is to withdraw from the human rights laws that the majority of the population of this country DO NOT WANT, or in reality even care about.
    Yes we may be horrible unfeeling people, but that is the way things are. Charity begins at home.

    Also, to re-negotiate the terms of our EU membership so that we are no longer a practically defenceless toilet for the parasites, conmen and criminals of the whole world to come and in.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Where do you get that one from ? I've read the facts and watched the BBC feature. The BBC report says UKBA is "considering" deporting him and why do we have to wait for another country to "authorise" our deportations ? - there are daily flights to Kiev so stick him on one
    No one is allowed to deport someone unless the country has accepted them, that is pretty much international law.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No one is allowed to deport someone unless the country has accepted them, that is pretty much international law.
    International Law ?I doubt that - if they are correctly passported they can be shipped back to their own country. Stick him on an Air Ukraine flight. Some countries do make it a bit difficult because they don't want their own vermin back.

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