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Thread: visa's wars over for me, for now anyway

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    One thing i noticed is make sure if he has not been schooled here is maybe for him to get some basic microsoft training as well like the ecdl. A lot of librays do the exams and cheap training sessions.
    I found at work as well as the degree peeps with no practical skils, other peeps with great hand on skills who hit a ceiling when their basic office pc skills ie excel even word using skills stop them getting any further up the ranks. As always its a balance of skills the it industry as you know needs.
    Also make sure he is ready to have to constantly retrain and learn new technolgies every 18 monrths or so, aome people cant hack that. others like me think of it as one of the best bits about the industry.

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    One thing i noticed is make sure if he has not been schooled here is maybe for him to get some basic microsoft training as well like the ecdl. A lot of librays do the exams and cheap training sessions.
    I found at work as well as the degree peeps with no practical skils, other peeps with great hand on skills who hit a ceiling when their basic office pc skills ie excel even word using skills stop them getting any further up the ranks. As always its a balance of skills the it industry as you know needs.
    Also make sure he is ready to have to constantly retrain and learn new technolgies every 18 monrths or so, aome people cant hack that. others like me think of it as one of the best bits about the industry.
    tell me about it, i got a mcse in nt4, in what 1999/2000, and did nothnig with it and then they brought out the 2000 exams, and its just a never ending time and money. but with vista just out now, i might start doing a few exams myself.also started an OU degree in computing. did 3 yrs, and not done anythnng for 2 yrs, due to lack of and paying for visa's

  4. #4
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    congRatulationS joe

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