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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hallo to all the men in this site.I just want to ask what is the best asset that you like from your filipina wife? You can name all, physically, mentally etc.
    If you do not have the best qualities in mind then you can also name the worst qualities , or you can name both best and worst.

    good luck!

  2. #2
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    Your quiet.....just trying to figure out why the phone bill is so high :lol:

    Your nice and compact, seldom over weight, and without being graphic, we like virginal tightness :o

    Keith & Ping

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  3. #3
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    36, 2 kids, and still more fit and sexy than most 18 year olds. The traditional background is a big plus. I know I don't have to worry about my daughters going out and being mothers while still in Junior High. I can never resist her smile!

    Worst qualities? She's not a typical Filipina in that she is unreasonably, and frequently abusively controlling. I'm treated like a ....... stepchild rather than a husband if I ever show any sign of disagreeing with her. I slept alone for a night when I said I wanted to have a family meeting before we made a decision about restricting my daughters, instead of just blindly following her choice that was based on unbased conclusions...

    Originally posted by efteling@Jul 7 2005, 09:46 AM
    Hallo to all the men in this site.I just want to ask what is the best asset that you like from your filipina wife? You can name all, physically, mentally etc.
    If you do not have the best qualities in mind then you can also name the worst qualities , or you can name both best and worst.

    good luck!
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  4. #4

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    Originally posted by Joey@Jul 11 2005, 03:00 PM

    Worst qualities? She&#39;s not a typical Filipina in that she is unreasonably, and frequently abusively controlling. I&#39;m treated like a ....... stepchild rather than a husband if I ever show any sign of disagreeing with her. I slept alone for a night when I said I wanted to have a family meeting before we made a decision about restricting my daughters, instead of just blindly following her choice that was based on unbased conclusions...
    Ahh, the filipina tampo. They call it being hard headed, we call it stubborn (although they don&#39;t like &#39;stubborn&#39;, they much prefer to refer to it as &#39;hardheaded&#39;. Hardheaded sounds like they have passion, conviction, and a determined belief in the knowledge they&#39;re right, stubborn sounds like an unreasonable childish obsession to refuse to accept they&#39;re wrong).

    And they can&#39;t give in because then they&#39;ll lose face.

    But a bar of chocolate and suddenly it&#39;s all ok again.

    What can one say....? Any filipinas recognise this trait in themselves.....?

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by love8888@Jul 20 2005, 05:00 PM
    We have heart, virgin, easy to abuse, slave&#39;s.
    they made us a house maid and so on and so forth :lol:
    [post=]Quoted post[/post]
    Oh my. :blink: Could you please tell me your story? I&#39;ll freely admit that probably the majority of my wife&#39;s bad attitude is my fault. Could you send me a PM? I&#39;d love to hear from you&#33; Please?
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by love8888@Jul 20 2005, 09:00 PM
    easy to abuse, slave&#39;s.they made us a house maid and so on and so forth :lol:

    I don&#39;t agree with this one, if you let yourself to be abused,to be a slave and to be a house maid, are you sure your husband married you to be his wife???
    I know Filipinas are, shall i say the remaining "real women" where they still think that a wife is still submissive but you can still do the wife does for the husband and the family without being exploited. Sharing responsibilities is a must whether you are married to a filipina or not.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by moi@Jul 21 2005, 03:14 PM
    I don&#39;t agree with this one, if you let yourself to be abused,to be a slave and to be a house maid, are you sure your husband married you to be his wife???
    I know Filipinas are, shall i say the remaining "real women" where they still think that a wife is still submissive but you can still do the wife does for the husband and the family without being exploited. Sharing responsibilities is a must whether you are married to a filipina or not.

    Well I attend a counselling at the CFO Philippines and they got married legally in the Philippines and I saw some video tapes of a filipina abused by their husband when they are already at the country of their husband.Honestly it&#39;s true of what you said that we are the "real women" and we are devoted to love our husband only,and sometimes we are martyr to love still even some of us are treathened so bad or abused, As you don&#39;t know in our country it&#39;s a very bad impression if we got married or having other man except our husband.We dream,aim to married only ONCE forever and beyond.Sad to say that other filipina inherit the culture of other countyr once they are leaving in there. And two cases here British if I am not mistaken and one I&#39;ve watch her true to life story in the t.v. and one is on the video tape at the CFO.

  8. #8

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    Originally posted by love8888@Jul 25 2005, 09:05 AM
    Well I attend a counselling at the CFO Philippines and they got married legally in the Philippines and I saw some video tapes of a filipina abused by their husband when they are already at the country of their husband.Honestly it&#39;s true of what you said that we are the "real women" and we are devoted to love our husband only,and sometimes we are martyr to love still even some of us are treathened so bad or abused, As you don&#39;t know in our country it&#39;s a very bad impression if we got married or having other man except our husband.We dream,aim to married only ONCE forever and beyond.Sad to say that other filipina inherit the culture of other countyr once they are leaving in there. And two cases here British if I am not mistaken and one I&#39;ve watch her true to life story in the t.v. and one is on the video tape at the CFO.
    A CFO counselling video? Oh, in that case, it must all be true. With such a commitment to integrity, honesty and no desire whatsoever to disseminate a fear and paranoia about going abroad, the CFO must be the very bastion of truth and decency.

    Sadly, abuse takes place everywhere. I would think, though, that the percentage of filipinas suffering abuse at the hands of their british husband on coming to the UK pales into insignificance compared to the percentage of filipinas in relationships with filipinos in the Philippines. After being in the Philippines for only one month, I had met more battered wives in that time than in my previous 30 years in the UK.

    The CFO doesn&#39;t tell you that you&#39;re far more likely to be beaten and raped on a daily basis by having a filipino husband than by having a british one. The CFO is peddling a blatant lie here. The Philippines will also do NOTHING to protect a battered wife, unlike the law enforcement and protection systems in place in the UK. Philippine authorities turn a blind eye, even to paedophilia, which is also rampant, because they have such little regard for their own people. The Philippines actually ENCOURAGES young filipinas to be shipped off to Japan to work as prostitutes, and actively worked AGAINST a US-Japanese scheme to prevent this abuse, just because they didn&#39;t want to lose the immoral money they receive in remittances from these slave labour protitutes sent to Japan.

    The CFO wants to look a little closer to home before it starts claiming that leaving for a better life is likely to get you beaten and battered. Maybe then they&#39;ll stop burying their head in the sand and understand why more than 25% (a whole quarter) of the population wants to leave the Philippines (figures from PulseAsia survey).

  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Jul 29 2005, 10:42 AM
    A CFO counselling video? Oh, in that case, it must all be true. With such a commitment to integrity, honesty and no desire whatsoever to disseminate a fear and paranoia about going abroad, the CFO must be the very bastion of truth and decency.

    Sadly, abuse takes place everywhere. I would think, though, that the percentage of filipinas suffering abuse at the hands of their british husband on coming to the UK pales into insignificance compared to the percentage of filipinas in relationships with filipinos in the Philippines. After being in the Philippines for only one month, I had met more battered wives in that time than in my previous 30 years in the UK.

    The CFO doesn&#39;t tell you that you&#39;re far more likely to be beaten and raped on a daily basis by having a filipino husband than by having a british one. The CFO is peddling a blatant lie here. The Philippines will also do NOTHING to protect a battered wife, unlike the law enforcement and protection systems in place in the UK. Philippine authorities turn a blind eye, even to paedophilia, which is also rampant, because they have such little regard for their own people. The Philippines actually ENCOURAGES young filipinas to be shipped off to Japan to work as prostitutes, and actively worked AGAINST a US-Japanese scheme to prevent this abuse, just because they didn&#39;t want to lose the immoral money they receive in remittances from these slave labour protitutes sent to Japan.

    The CFO wants to look a little closer to home before it starts claiming that leaving for a better life is likely to get you beaten and battered. Maybe then they&#39;ll stop burying their head in the sand and understand why more than 25% (a whole quarter) of the population wants to leave the Philippines (figures from PulseAsia survey).

    I will endorse Paul&#39;s comments also, the Philippine Authorities, (if you could call them that) are of course as we all know a complete joke, it always makes me laugh when I think of the bar girls of Makati, a recent incident, where they were raided by the local Police found that in fact, a signfiicant number of the girls were actually with the territorial surveillance unit at the time, the police raid had to be postponed as so many of their colleagues were in the Knocking shops of Makati themselves, with the girls that they were supposed to be busting.

    As for the CFO this is the biggest example of state interference in the migration of populations I have ever seen, who gave them the right to instruct and stereo-type Foreigners, in that way, Paul is right, I speak to lots of Filipinas who tell me, you are more likely to be beaten black and blue by a Filipino boyfriend husband than by a foreigner, and in fact if you take a look at the success ratio of British-Filpina marriages, and relationships, domestic abuse is extremely rare, but in the Philippines its a major problem, The British Government classfies the Philippines as a 3rd world developing country, they see the mass migration of the population as those who wish to get out and seek better life chances, in doing so, they beleive that many females, use the vehicle of marriage as a way out of their poor life chances, hence the need for so much evidence at the point of issuing a visa, its hard enough to get through that, without those Mickey Mouse types down at the CFO, look at your own culture, and why is that so many Filipina&#39;s tell me, that they wouldnt even bother with a Filipino, they are two, Mayabang, and Presko &#33;&#33;&#33;, (And dont have a go at me here, I have lots of Filipino freinds) The Philippine Government is quite happy to sit back and watch the remittances flow in, some 8 Billion US Dollars a year, through the sweat shops of the Middle East, the Camel Jockeys of the UAE, young Filipinas, highly educated ending up in private houses in the middle of the desert, their passports removed, isolated and marginalized from all benefits of our society, the Filipina&#39;s who come to UK have one thing in common, those that are married to Brits, that is..."They are mistresses of their own house" not the slaves working in it.

    Just recently a report has been received of a Filipina who was found in the desert of Saudi Arabia, no one knows how she got there, she had been missing for 3 days, she was a domestic servant in a house, her body was found by a driver along a dusty highway, no identity, this is but the tip of the icerbeg, so please dont preach to me about abusive British Husbands, cos that we aint &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    In fact most the guys treat their wife like a Princess, there is always going to be the odd one here and there, the odd guy who b eats up the wife, That happens anywhere in the world, but at least we dont murder ours for the life insurance.

    Come on..give us a break here.

  10. #10
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    When I was in the Philippines, a young girl came back from Japan, dead from hepatitis. That was the official explanation. There was no explanation of the 5 stab wounds in her abdomen. I saw the pictures. I think she was probably 20 or so. She was hired as a waitress or entertainer, but was forced into doing pay-for-play.

    Of all the Filipinas I&#39;ve met over the years after bringing my Filipina home back in 93, I knew of only one bad relationship where the guy was doing anything worse than just being a jerk. His family didn&#39;t approve of her because she wasn&#39;t white. He eventually gave in and made her move into the basement, put her on severe restriction, and made her life miserable. There were no beatings, but lots of psychological abuse. The Filipinas got together and guided her to legal help. Now, she has the house all to herself as well as the kids.

    Everywhere you go, there are horror stories. I would like to see actual statistics of Filipina vs local wives. From what I see, marriages with Filipinas last longer...
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  11. #11
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    Women get abused by SOME husband&#39;s in any culture. Indians are on of the worst for treating their wives.

    I&#39;ve come across many Filipino-Filipino abusive relationships, one of which the wife was battering the husband :blink:

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  12. #12
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    Originally posted by admin@Jul 25 2005, 07:15 PM
    Women get abused by SOME husband&#39;s in any culture. Indians are on of the worst for treating their wives.

    I&#39;ve come across many Filipino-Filipino abusive relationships, one of which the wife was battering the husband :blink:

    All I know is a battered wife and not husband.oh yeah I&#39;ve watch in the BBC woman killed her husband it&#39;s extremely worst :(

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by admin@Jul 26 2005, 02:15 AM
    Women get abused by SOME husband&#39;s in any culture. Indians are on of the worst for treating their wives.

    I&#39;ve come across many Filipino-Filipino abusive relationships, one of which the wife was battering the husband :blink:

    Hahahahaahha, you are funny&#33; But in some cases it is true.Some husbands are also mistreated by their wives,BUT most victims are poor women.Not only in the Philippines but all over the world. It is sad but it does happen. :(

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