36, 2 kids, and still more fit and sexy than most 18 year olds. The traditional background is a big plus. I know I don't have to worry about my daughters going out and being mothers while still in Junior High. I can never resist her smile!
Worst qualities? She's not a typical Filipina in that she is unreasonably, and frequently abusively controlling. I'm treated like a ....... stepchild rather than a husband if I ever show any sign of disagreeing with her. I slept alone for a night when I said I wanted to have a family meeting before we made a decision about restricting my daughters, instead of just blindly following her choice that was based on unbased conclusions...
Originally posted by efteling@Jul 7 2005, 09:46 AM
Hallo to all the men in this site.I just want to ask what is the best asset that you like from your filipina wife? You can name all, physically, mentally etc.
If you do not have the best qualities in mind then you can also name the worst qualities, or you can name both best and worst.
good luck!