I've been thinking about this too. It seems an odd one to me.
It's based on a prediction that the "UK is expected to reach 70 million within 20 years with two thirds of the increase due to immigration".
"we call on the government to take all necessary steps to get immigration down to a level that will stabilise our population"
The idea that an increase in population to 70 million will be some kind of tipping point or disaster, just doesn't make economic sense.
In principle we are all both consumers and contributors to our country. If we have believe we will have more net-contributors than net-consumers then I guess that 70 million can be safely be accommodated.
However, there's always going to be economic and social problems when there are more net-consumers that net-contributers.
Then of course action would need to be taken to reach and maintain a balance.
The question is just what is the best action is take to achieve such a balance?
Does it really hinge on the predicted immigration policy over the next 20 years? Let's face it not much can be done about restricting European rights to free movement.
Or do demographics play a part. (age, employment status, gender,location etc.)
Maybe there should be a petition demanding the government to take urgent action on the number of people in receipt of state benefits and pensions.
All these old people will be non-contributing consumers for much longer, simply because they're all staying alive longer and boosting population.
Doesn't it also depend to a large extent where populations decide to live and work?
There are already shortages of schools and hospitals, so why are many schools being closed and many hospitals being amalgamated. Maybe because they are not in the needed location or maybe we come back to not having an economic balance of consumers and contributors.
Could there be any value in having non-EU highly talented young people (net contributors) deciding to make a life in UK?
Seems to be a better choice than allowing unqualified European net-consumers.
It seems to me that this petition is playing on peoples emotions in having them believe that a crackdown on student visas and non-EU economic migrants is the answer to population control an any other woes.
I would much rather see a bigger push to limiting our involvement with Europe.