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Thread: Hi guys need some help as we soon hope to make the uk spouse visa application

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  1. #1
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    Smile Hi guys need some help as we soon hope to make the uk spouse visa application

    my name is patrick i got married on the 20th august in san fernando cebu to my wife rotsen she has just done her englsh A1 and she says it will be 2 weeks to get the results after getting this we hope to make her application for the uk spouse visa
    i work full time in social care and i have some saving but not much around 5000 pounds i know things such as 6 months bank statements should be sent as well as 6 months bank statements
    i live in my parents home and when my wife joins me this will be our home my parents are giving there full support to us
    could anyone give me a list of documents that i should send my wife to make the visa application i am going to sponsor her and i know things like chat logs marriage certificate and passport should be sent i would be very great full to anybody that can help me and my wife salamat po

  2. #2
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Heya Patrick... Me and my hubby stayed at his parents' as well...

    As for accommodation related documents, what we did is we provided them the mortgage statements of his parents... We also include the electricity and phone bills as well. His parents also wrote a letter stating that they own the house, that it is big enough or there is enough room to accommodate me and my hubby, and they are happy for us to stay there...

  3. #3
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    if you want i have ym if you wish to chat there i wish to meet friends that can help me and my wife

  4. #4
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    what supporting documents should i send can you give me any ideas
    any information you can give me i would be grateful

  5. #5
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrickm1978 View Post
    what supporting documents should i send can you give me any ideas
    any information you can give me i would be greatfull
    Here are the things I can think of...
    1. Fill up VAf4A form
    2. passport
    3. passport picture
    4. passport photocopy of husband
    5. Mortgage documents or accomodation (You can provide them your parents' mortgage statements)
    6. Utilities bills (Parents' as well)
    7. Your latest 6 months bank statements / payslips
    8. Letter of support from you
    9. Letter from your parents stating that they own the property, and has enough room to accommodate you both and they approve of your stay there
    8. evidence of you and wife's communication.. emails, letters, picture etc
    9. birth certificate
    10. The A1 english certificate
    11. any other supporting documents....

    Check more info in Home Office site...

  6. #6
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    hello Patrick,

    I'm Grace from Cebu, but I have a lot of relatives in San Fernando as well where in SF your wife lives?

    anyways, I took my english exam at Theodolite as well last 9th September, and to tell you honesty this week is my 8th week of waiting.. Me and my fiancee really get pissed off because at first after I took the exam I asked the lady assisted to me when will i get the result.. and she replied, after 2-3 weeks... we've waited until now.. We keep messaging them and making follow ups on where is the certificate now.. The owner of the center flew to England just to check personally where is the certificate now..

    we made everything ok and 1st Oct everything is okay and ready for submission but we don't have any choice but to wait the certificate to come..

    we are not against Theodolite, We are so thankful for their efforts and making follow-ups and really flew to check it personally but their provider the City and Guilds is just making the whole process sh*t.. ooops sorry,

    we really hope we can get a good news this week.. I hope your wife too


  7. #7
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    My wife lives in toggo San fernando right up on top of the hills she is called Rotsen villarisia if you have family there I think you would know rotsens family
    At the moment she is living in villa del rio annex 1 block 2 babag dos lapu lapu.
    I am missing my wife so much I just hope and pray that soon she has her test results so she can make her visa application it's so hard being away from me gwapa wife If she knows how much I love her she would cry with joy anyone wishing to chat add me on ym my. Ym is

  8. #8
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    Hi patrick
    there is lots of helpful threads on the docs you will need for the visa look at the visa/extras link at the top of the page or try using the search and you will find lots of usefull info.
    Good luck in you application
    As life is to live so love is to give

  9. #9
    Member lykayu01's Avatar
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    Hi patrickm my hubby is also from N. I. UK and glad to be friends with u

  10. #10
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    Thanks very much it will be great for me and my wife to meet some friends here so we can get as much information as possible to help us when we make our visa application

  11. #11
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    Is there chat on this site out how do other member chat live

  12. #12
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    Were is your husband from in north ireland

  13. #13
    Member lykayu01's Avatar
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    Hi patricm my hubby lives in newtownabbey co.antrim well maybe you will apply much earlier than us as we plan to apply by march as we still need to save

  14. #14
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    Hi patrickm

    In order to apply you must show that:-

    - You are seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as the spouse (or civil partner) of a person currently living and settled in the United Kingdom or returning to the UK with you to live there permanently.
    - You are legally married to each other or have registered a civil partnership;
    - You are both at least 21 years old on the date when you would arrive in the UK or when we would give you permission to remain.
    - You intend to live together permanently as husband and wife, or as civil partners.
    - You have met each other.
    - You meet our English language requirement.
    - You can support yourselves and any dependants without help from public funds
    - You have adequate accommodation where you and your dependants can live exclusively and without needing public funds.

    What documents are required?
    You must send:-

    - 2 recent passport photographs and your passport - see the Photographs and passport page
    The applicant must present a valid passport with at least 6 months validity remaining.

    - Evidence of your age and your partner's age.
    There are no immigration rules about specific guidance on age difference between the applicant and sponsor.However, the applicant must be aged 21 or over on the date of arrival in the UK and the applicant's spouse must be aged under 21 on the date of arrival in the UK.

    - Your marriage or civil partnership certificate

    - Evidence that you were both free to marry or enter your civil partnership, if either of you was previously married or in a civil partnership
    Evidence would include Death Certificate of the deceased spouse/civil partner, evidence of divorce (eg divorce Decree Absolute), Annulment or Dissolution Certificate.

    - Evidence that you have met
    Photo's of you both together as a couple, photo's of the wedding, e-mails, Chat logs and Text messages showing that you had met and married.

    - Evidence of your English language ability - see the English language page

    - Evidence that you can maintain yourselves and any dependants adequately without needing public fundsmaintenance (funds) page
    You and/or your partner must demonstrate that you and/or they can cover your living expenses in the UK for 27 months, if you are applying from outside the UK. You will not have access to most public funds (such as state benefits) during your probationary period.

    The Evidence of maintenance page describes the documents that you should submit to prove that you meet this requirement.
    Please take a look at the Evidence of maintenance (funds) page which clearly indicates the type of documents needed.

    Your bank statements will normally show your income and your outgoing expenditure. ECO's are not accountants but, if you are generally living within your means and can afford the cost of another adult consumer joining the household, this should be immediately obvious.

    Only those people with a discretionary amount of money close or equal to the equivalent of means-tested benefit might feel the need to make a budget plan to signpost how they can afford another consuming person in the house.

    - Financial Standing
    The application must be supported by evidence that proves the applicant will not require public funds. Generally this takes the form of the sponsor/applicant (or co-sponsor) providing:-
    Bank Statements covering at least 3 months (preferably 6 months)
    Salary slips for at least the previous 3 months.(preferably 6 months)
    The sponsor's employment contract (if the sponsor is not independently wealthy). A letter from the employer will be OK

    - Evidence of your accommodation

    Accommodation - General Requirements
    The Rules require that there must be adequate accommodation for a spouse or civil partner and any dependants.
    The ECO will be looking for evidence that the accommodation complies with the following requirements:-

    - It is (or will be) owned or legally occupied for the exclusive use of the couple.
    - It is capable of accommodating the couple, and any children, without overcrowding as defined in the Housing Act 1985.
    - The ECO should be satisfied that housing the couple in rented accommodation will not be in breach of any tenancy agreement as regards sub-letting.
    - That no additional public funds will be necessary for accommodating the applicant in cases where the sponsor lives in accommodation from public funds.

    Accommodation shared with family/friends
    If the sponsor and the applicant are to live in accommodation with other occupants such as family/friends/etc), then provide:-

    - Co-sponsor(s) owns home
    Include a certified copy of the deed showing this, or other proof of ownership.
    If the co-sponsor has a mortgage, the appropriate entry from the Land Registry can be provided,(available online for a small fee), or a letter
    from the lender.The mortgage payments should appear in the bank statements of the co-sponsor.

    - Co-sponsor(s) renting apartment or house
    Include a copy of the tenancy agreement.
    If the applicant is not a signatory to the tenancy agreement, then an additional statement from the landlord (or estate agent) should be provided
    confirming both the size of the property and agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there.
    If an existing tenancy agreement is to be used, it should have at least six months before expiry. If the tenancy agreement does not have at least
    six months before expiry, then an additional statement from the landlord/agent showing intent to renew at the same terms should be provided.

    If the accommodation is owned by a local authority or council estate, a landlord's confirmation should also be obtained, but if this cannot be
    obtained a report from an independent surveyor which confirms the size and suitability of the premises can be submitted instead.

    Hope this will help to get you started.
    Plenty of threads to give more detail, just make a search.

    Most important of all is to research the UKBA website fully. Please do follow as many of the provided links as possible.

    Good luck

  15. #15
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    haha what a coincidence because my grandmother and grandfather (my mum's parents) lived in Tongo San Fernando hmmm we usually go there if there's an occasion.. My fiancee really loves in San Fernando and amazed how people climbed up to the coconut tree to get the

    well anyways, I don't really know all the people in Tongo, but I would like to get to know her one day

    My fiancee celebrated the fiesta in Tonggo (Center) last 24th September and he enjoyed it very much and went home last 13th Oct and you are really right it is so hard being apart to our loved ones.. we are getting sick and tired of using the mic and webcam everyday but for the mean time we will just wait and sacrifice..

    our target is to be together this Christmas so I really hope and pray that our english certificate will come very very soon .. the waiting is killing us :(

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