As some of yous will have known it was my wifes visa hearing today ,this how it went .well my solicitor submitted the extra evidence to the court 5 days before the hearing so that the judge and home office solicitor had them to go through .this is how it happen in the court my solicitor to the left of me the home office to the right of me so we all had copies of the new papers the judge had the whole bundle from application from the start same as the home office . The judge says to the home office solicitor have u anything to ask mr alan about the papers home office said no .the home office solicitor then says it's not her nature to concede so she will leave it to the judge . The judge says that's us then u will get to hear from us in two weeks time court over. I am like what just happen here that's it .so once out side my solicitor says u can let ur wife know the good news I said I didn't hear anything yet he said it's all just a formality now ... Has any one got there opinion on it be great to hear from yous . I am left here not knowing wht to expect