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Thread: help needed fast

  1. #1
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    help needed fast

    hi,i have a serious problem that needs to be resolved a.s.a.p.
    my wife has just been refused her U.K. visa for the second time and we only have until 10th june to appeal against the decission.
    first a little background information.
    i visited cebu in feb 2006 to meet a girl who contacted me in cherry blossoms website,when i arrived she introduced me to her half sister who was older than her,and as soon as i met her half sister i realised that i may have been to hasty in choosing a partner.
    anyway putting that to the back of my mind carried on my relationship with the younger sister.
    well to cut a very long story short we applied for a fiance visa and within 5 weeks was successful in obtaining.
    she arrived in the u.k. end of february 2006 but as soon as she arrived her charecter changed completely leading up to the day that she told me that she was already married to a guy from singapore !!
    i immediately arranged for her to return to cebu and she did on 23rd march 2006,on the 24th i emailed the embassy and informed them of the reason,quoted her ref number and passport no.and told them that she would not be returning to U.K.
    well in april 2006 her half sister contacted me enquiring about our relationship and i explained in detail what had happened,and she said how sorry she was,well one thing leaded to another and we were talking on the phone,emailing,and chatting on yahoo for about 4 hours every day.
    i found that we had a lot in common with each other she is 33 and no children same as me but i am older 49 with no children this all leaded up to me proposing to her on may29th 2006 she accepted and i flew out in july and was married on 7th august 2006.
    i returned to the U.K. on the 8th and from that day have been in contact every single day.
    i returned and spent a fantastic christmas with her from 23rd dec 06-7th jan 07,and in that time had discussed renovating her home in cebu and her small business so that when i take early retirement i will move to cebu and spend the rest of my life with her,maybe expanding her business to be able to support us both.
    This is where our problem started because of the delay in obtaining our authenticated marriage document 15 weeks,i decided for her to apply in her single name because of lack of married documents.she was asked to attend an interview in manila,and this she did on dec 5th06 and was refused on the grounds of "lack of evidence" but i had sent all my appropriate documents but still no joy.
    i started appeal proceedings but soon after my wife was advised to use an agency in cebu called "Hoya air travel and tours" this we did and the visa consultant told us to change all my wif'e documents into her married name including her passport and to reaply again in her now married name.
    this she did,and the agency helped her to fill in the application form .
    U.K.vacs recieved the application form and was happy that it was completed correctly with all the exact documents along with evidence of my self.
    well over 3 months passed and my wife was asked to attend a second interview.
    Because i din't want her to go through this ordeal again on her own i flew to cebu,and we both flew to manila for her interveiw may15th last 07.
    firstly i was refused entry by the security guards.
    we took along over 100 wedding photographs and a comprehensive evidence of relationship folder containing,all my flight ticket stubs,western union transfers letters emails and over 50 pages of yahoo chat conversations(if i had printed out all of them it would have taken up a suitcase as it is over 1500 pages !!!)
    in the interview my wife made a mistake about when our relationship started she said feb 06 that was when i first met her as a friend.
    then she was asked when her half sister had returned to cebu,and she made another mistake by saying april/may this ,i think was the stumbling block as the E.C.O. could not believe that her half sister had returned home in may,and that i had proposed to her in the same month.
    my wife offered him our two books of evidence and he told her it was not necessary !!! and she was refused a second time.
    the refusal notice stated that she had blatantly applied for a single visa when she knew she was already married to me and could not explain why,even though this was explained in her application form.
    well i have only just returned today from cebu and all the time i spent with my wife have been sending emails to the embassy pleading with them to reverse their decission,but they will not reply to me.
    I hope i have not made you all fall asleep with my story,but my question is i now want to seek legal immigration advice to help us appeal this decission i know this is going to cost me but i will use my last breath to obtain my wife's visa.and will do anything to help her.can anyone please tell me of a good immigration lawyer in the U.K. that specialises in this field.
    what do we have to do to succeed we are both very depressed at it all and need some help fast.

    Thanks for listening

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    HI frustated,

    Am sorry bout your wife's application, and you were looking for a good immigration lawyer here in UK?. From the time i applied for fiancee visa i used an immigration lawyer which is based in London and i was approved after a month and 8 days with no interview required but it cost us too much ( no regrets )

    Okay, you can find there site here and contact EVAN REMEDIOS at +44 (0)20 7038 3980 and discuss him all bout your applications, he will be happy to help you.

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    in applying settlement visa you have to convinced the ECO that you have a genuine relationship and it is not about marriage for convenience.

    or maybe it has something to do about your ex fiancee which was her half sister?

    exactly,why apply in single name when you both already got married...

    and also why be unsure about simple question ?

    anyone will get confused about your story...

    or maybe its a bit too late for you to discover this forum.

    it think no one can tell you any advice about it for you have just made so much mistakes in your application...

    my advice would be try to live with her in the PI and gathered information about applying so is your much as you can....

    they need a very good explanation about your mistakes then i guess in your appeal you have to tell them...seems to late though its still best if you have been much informed about applying....

    P.S im sorry but i am not an ECO officer but i find your story a bit complicated...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  4. #4
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    aawww! Sorry about your past. Your case is too complicated and yes, you're gonna need a good Immigration lawyer on this.

    I can refer you to the other forum who can deal like this case (Sorry Mr. Admin). There's a couple of Immigration advisers who might give you advice if they read your story. One of them named Victoria Sharkey who is OISC Registered Immigration Consultant, she is quite nice lady. Just to remind, If you post your story there do not mention their name, they don't like that!

    But 10th June is not that long, so I suggest you visit this site or if you think you are eligible for legal aid you can try the IAS.

    If you appeal you will need to provide a very good reason and evidences to the British Embassy and if they still not satisfied to your reason your case will be forwarded to the tribunal here in UK and you're gonna need a representative to that. This might take AGES to minimun of 6 months!

    On other hand, you can submit a new fresh settlement application but will have to pay fee again and correct all the mistakes, provide much stronger evidences and so on.

    I will now PM you to send the link to the other forum (hope I didn't upset the admin).
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Can't PM you you have to enable it, go to your account settings.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Hello im sorry to hear that please contact the above given infos to help you
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Can't PM you you have to enable it, go to your account settings.
    Newbie's can't PM
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Newbie's can't PM
    Oh I see!

    I guess I will just have to post the link here then??


    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh , sad story..

    ladyJ , i think Victoria is an expert in employment visa's. but still , the more opinons you can get the better

    dont spend any money on any lawyer until you really need to, you need to start with free advice from a few different people and sources, as each one might give you wrong advice, having been thru a nightmare of a problem of getting my stepson ILR and lots of advice from lots of places and of wrong advice..

    my previous post here will give you an idea of where to start ..

    start with free advice...

    good luck

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