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Thread: Dan Wheldon Dies in Las Vegas Indy Race

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Dan Wheldon Dies in Las Vegas Indy Race

    What a terrible accident. The worst I've seen in any motor race, and thanks to the safety built into these vehicles, 14 of the 15 drivers involved in the crash walked away.

    To race at Las Vegas was Dan's idea, and he spent a lot of time getting the organisers to race there.

    Some media is saying that the track was unsafe for so many cars, if it was they wouldn't have raced, plus they race on smaller circuits with more cars during the season. It was an accident, just that, you can't avoid them in this type of sport, luckily deaths are pretty rare these days.

    RIP Dan
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    Yes, a real tragedy.

    I've only heard the radio news about it so far, so can't really comment about the circumstances.

    RIP Dan.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Lots of video of it on the net, looked quite nasty, a real credit to those who develop the safety structures for these cars. But this is racing, these guys all know it can end very quickly.

    a real shame
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    I didn't know him personally but met him a number of times. He lived locally and in his earlier days he often raced all around the area. He was clearly talented and well above the average.
    Always appeared such a joyful person, but he also knew very well that the path he took was high risk.
    A tragic accident.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Tbh ... I've never HEARD of the guy ... with me not even being a driver myself - let alone a motor racing fan! But accidents of ANY sort are ALWAYS tragic! And the one consolatory factor in this case, would seem to be that he died doing what he loved. May he rest in peace.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Devastating news what a fantastic driver this country has lost


  8. #8
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    I'll bet there'll be some major changes in terms of safety. Either with the tracks, the cars or both.
    Probably a limit on the number of racers also.

    Not before time.

  9. #9
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    Apparently there were misgivings about the race beforehand, as the track is not one of the best, and so many cars for people to fight through from the back, for a lot of money.

    In other words, this event was probably too much for this particular track.

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    In other words, this event was probably too much for this particular track.
    They had 40 cars on a smaller track previously with no complaints. If the drivers thought their was too much risk they'd refuse to drive, as has happened in the past, these guys aren't shy

    A much safer model is being introduced for next season, although you have to realise that Dan's car was inflight, smashed his head into the safety rails, and then burst into flames at 200mph, the drivers area was pretty much undamaged, it was the head injury and that likely killed him.

    We've had airborne cars in F1 this year, luckily they were on straight parts of the track. Luckily the last death was Senna, but people forget that the same weekend Roland Ratzenberger also died in practise. Senna was also a head injury from flying debri penetrating his helmet, something that nearly happened to Barrichello (was it him?) a couple of years ago, but luckily just knocked him out.
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Such a terrible shame, RIP

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    They had 40 cars on a smaller track previously with no complaints. If the drivers thought their was too much risk they'd refuse to drive, as has happened in the past, these guys aren't shy

    A much safer model is being introduced for next season, although you have to realise that Dan's car was inflight, smashed his head into the safety rails, and then burst into flames at 200mph, the drivers area was pretty much undamaged, it was the head injury and that likely killed him.

    We've had airborne cars in F1 this year, luckily they were on straight parts of the track. Luckily the last death was Senna, but people forget that the same weekend Roland Ratzenberger also died in practise. Senna was also a head injury from flying debri penetrating his helmet, something that nearly happened to Barrichello (was it him?) a couple of years ago, but luckily just knocked him out.
    I echo the same sentiments..the drivers can make there own minds up to whether if its safe enough driving on any particular track.

    Talking about risk, the replacement driver of Dan Wheldon has been already recruited and he's racing this weekend in Australia....not sure of his name but, he's from Cheshire and an ex Mcclaren f1 test driver.

    I do take back on what I said about indy racing in the past...from what ive seen on youtube over the past month, its awesome...making f1 look a bore in comparison...really!

    What i have noticed is, the Americans dont waste much time on sentiment.....there was a indy driver called Danny Ogias..he had a terrible accident reference youtube...he was a last minute replacement of there regular driver who got himself killed in practise earlier that weekend.

    This is normal practice.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    I do take back on what I said about indy racing in the past...from what ive seen on youtube over the past month, its awesome...making f1 look a bore in comparison...really!
    I U
    Keith - Administrator

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