with all those havoc that happend this past years i never thought this day will never come... but im so thankful to my creator that when he took the man i love and my marriage,,,he gave me a the best one...

now for me everything is already complete..
i got a great man, who is been very patient on me, a very loving and considerate, and most of all very supportive..
i got a sweet and very gorgeous baby...
my partner got us a house wich we call it now OUR HOME,,, my partner said its one place no one can throw me out on it coz it ours and just for me and our baby..
i got a wonderful job... wich sometime make me insane but still i love it
i got my mum who supported me and help me look after our baby while me and my partner work..
And now i got my brit passport...and my gorgeous baby got her too..

every thing is sorted out...everything is all now in place...
i couldnt be more content in life...
i can sleep without crying...
nothing to worry about... coz i have some one that help me solve my daily problem and hug me when im upset...

but of course there are some bits and pieces that still upset me...
like i had a so called friend who is very nice talking to me and praising everything she notice or know about me, she said she is very happy for me but then slag me off, and said loads of b*** about me to other friend family... when she knows about my past and present she still turn around and slag me off to other people,,, that other friend didnt really take notice of what that person said against me instead they got irritated on that person...

i was so upset when my friend told me about it,,,i started crying but so glad i got my partner beside me and he hug me and tell me nothing matter, only my self and our family and then he kiss me in my fore head... then my baby start laughing and i forgoten why im crying...

well i still believe in karma,,,what goes around comes back around...

my ex husband is also happy now, he is now living with his girlfriend...

next is devorce... but it doesnt worry me,,, we will get there... and at the moment im very happy for what i have...