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Thread: HELP please on VISA switching from Tier 4 to Tier 2... Thanks..

  1. #1
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    Post HELP please on VISA switching from Tier 4 to Tier 2... Thanks..

    Greetings! =)

    I am currently under tier 4 student visa. I have just finished my 6 month overseas nursing programme for nurses. Just recently, I have received a job offer as a staff nurse(medicine ward) from a hospital. The hospital is processing their certificate of sponsorhip at the moment and they will be receiving it by the end of this month. My current visa is expiring some time next month, is there a way to be able to convert my visa from within UK?

    I'm not sure if I need/can afford a solicitor but anyway does anybody know a good solicitor/agency here in London specializing on immigration matters.

    Thank you...

  2. #2
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    Hi, welcome to the forum. I see you've posted this several times. It's not actually necessary. Anyway this information from the UKBA website should help you

    Switching from a Tier 4 or student category into Tier 2 (General), Tier 2 (Sportsperson) or Tier 2 (Minister of Religion)

    If you are switching from one of the following categories:
    Any Tier 4 category•
    Student Nurse•
    Student Re-Sitting an Examination•
    Student Union Sabbatical Officer•

    you can only switch into Tier 2 if you meet the following criteria:

    During your most recent period of leave in any of the above categories, you must • have completed a course of study unless you are studying a PhD course. You do not need to have received your results yet, but you must have sat your final examination (where there is one) and handed in any final pieces of work. Please note that if you have only completed part of a course (for example, the first two academic years of a three year course), you will not be considered as having completed the course.

    That course of study must have been at least one academic year in duration. An • academic year is the period of time that the institution you studied is open and providing courses each year. Usually an academic year is from September one

    year until June the following year. There may be some variations, but we would not consider any courses shorter than 8 months as being an academic year in length.

    You meet in full all other requirements of the category you are switching into.•

    You must provide an original academic reference on official headed paper of the institution 18. and must clearly show:
    your name; and•
    the course title/award; and•
    the course duration; and•
    date of course completion. If you have not yet completed your course this date must • not be more than 30 days from your date of application unless you are studying a PhD course.
    The academic reference must include all the information detailed above

    The points-based calculator on our website shows whether you are likely to score enough 20. points. The calculator is available at:
    The results of the points-based calculator show the possible points you might score and 21. does not guarantee that your application will be successful. The calculator may be subject to change. If you have any doubt about how many points you can claim, you should send as much of the evidence set out in this guidance as possible. We make a decision after receiving your full application and the evidence to support it.
    Any documentary evidence that you provide must be issued by an authorised official of the 22. issuing organisation and be:
    original (unless we say otherwise); and•
    on the official letter-headed paper or stationery of the organisation.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Thank you Ricky... =)

    The information you said is very useful..but I'm still a bit confused.

    My course was really just 3-6 months but I did as a nurse. So I can't apply from within UK then??? gosh...

  5. #5
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    It seems not, you could fall in love with a wonderful romantic British guy and live happily ever after. Plenty of the single romantics roaming here.

    I'm sorry I couldn't help you any more. One of the other forumites might know something different, but this seems to be fairly straightforward.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wela View Post
    Thank you Ricky... =)

    The information you said is very useful..but I'm still a bit confused.

    My course was really just 3-6 months but I did as a nurse. So I can't apply from within UK then??? gosh...
    What was the validity of your original visa?

    Did you have any restrictions?

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1 academic year tier 2 visa

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im on tier 4 and have not finished my course yet how can i apply for tier 2?

tier 2 visa do i have to go home to apply 1 academic year but my overseas nursing programme finished in month

tier 4 visa

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