Quote Originally Posted by Takenoprisoners View Post
Hi Graham48... No not a generalisation or a sweeping statement.. It is merely an indigenous thing about the Philippines.... It's been that way for decades.. and each and every government has screwed the people so did the yanks... (they screw everyone) so its hardly surprising the way things are.... Religion too must take a huge dose of responsibility giving people false hope and false beliefs.... the place is full of superstitions and stories... all are as realistic as santa claus...... I don't know if the philippines will ever be corruption free... whether it will ever be a country to invest in.. doubt if it will be in my lifetime anyway..... Having said all this, I still think some of the most beautiful and loving and caring women are from there... and there is a lot of good in the country too.... just needs a new direction........... I used to own a couple of bars and internet cafes there.....
Personally, I can understand some of what you say.
From my own experience over many years (too many to recount) I would not use 'indigenous' in the same sentence as meaning lazy. The vast majority of ordinary folk are very industrious (especially the ladies).

There's a lot of truth in many of the other things you mention.
I suggest that bars, and perhaps even internet cafe's may well attract customers who do not seek a normal working life.

No offence, this is my own personal experience. Your experience is obviously significantly different.
It should be that I can learn form you and that you can learn from me.