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  1. #1
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takenoprisoners View Post
    Hi Graham48... No not a generalisation or a sweeping statement.. It is merely an indigenous thing about the Philippines.... It's been that way for decades.. and each and every government has screwed the people so did the yanks... (they screw everyone) so its hardly surprising the way things are.... Religion too must take a huge dose of responsibility giving people false hope and false beliefs.... the place is full of superstitions and stories... all are as realistic as santa claus...... I don't know if the philippines will ever be corruption free... whether it will ever be a country to invest in.. doubt if it will be in my lifetime anyway..... Having said all this, I still think some of the most beautiful and loving and caring women are from there... and there is a lot of good in the country too.... just needs a new direction........... I used to own a couple of bars and internet cafes there.....
    indegenous in what sense...(drinking tanduay in back garden) same as most of british..the only difference is that they drink in the pub and money spent came from their benefits. whats wrong of having religion...better to have false hope than never hope at offense to others met a lot of people here in uk who dont believe in GOD but got huge celebration plans for christmas wonder if they know why there is xmas...corruption is present in phils same as in every government and thats not exclude UK. Most of the people from the place i came from works everday (both professional and blue collar jobs) children go to school etc,...i think u have to dig more about phils rather than just a nice place to meet young beautiful and caring woman to marry.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
    indegenous in what sense...( drinking tanduay in back garden ) same as most of british..the only difference is that they drink in the pub and money spent came from their benefits. whats wrong of having religion...better to have false hope than never hope at offense to others met a lot of people here in uk who dont believe in GOD but got huge celebration plans for christmas wonder if they know why there is xmas...corruption is present in phils same as in every government and thats not exclude UK. Most of the people from the place i came from works everday (both professional and blue collar jobs) children go to school etc,...i think u have to dig more about phils rather than just a nice place to meet young beautiful and caring woman to marry.
    Brilliant!.....I agree wholeheartedly with all of that.

    Surprising like you say about folks here in the UK claiming they have no religion yet celebrate Christmas and Easter..

    All the power to you.

    Although im sure 'takenoprisoners' ( ref post 12) did say it was the Filipinos he knew of that were taking to rum and laziness.

    Btw The benefits being spent in the pub is money that should be spent on their families....give them food vouchers instead, just like the old days...the pubs won't be happy but, mama and the kids will be


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