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Thread: My sister got pregnant with a british and he left her..please help

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    My sister got pregnant with a british and he left her..please help

    Hello everyone this is the story my sister meet a haft canadian and haft german guy who based in UK.
    but what happend is that he is married to a fililipina as well and waiting for her wife to come to UK,but what he did is that he cheat his wife his wife is from manila and my sister is in Mindanao when ever he come to his wife he goes and stay to my sister for a few weeks as wekk and my sister have no idea if he is married or not cos at the first place he said he is very single..but what happend is my sister found out in his passport he been to the philippines many times and he already been here for a few weeks before he come to my sister..and my sister start questioning about it,he said he need to comeback to UK but because my sister ask him to stay a little while and he have to extend his visa her in mindanao,but when they went to immigration to extend the visa its not my sister name he put in there for dependents its his wife name who living in quezon city,so what my sister did is to search that name in facebook and she saw there everything him and his wife with there two daugthers so,so they split up but when he left my sister found out she got pregnant with that guy.and the baby is now 1 month old,which she regrets for it cos she said its a biggest mistake she ever made,but i said its not mistake its a blessing..the baby girl is like an angel so beautiful and that british man can never deny cos its really looks like him.but my question is he never supported the baby although my sister didnt ask anything at it possible for my sister to ask that guy for a support for the baby? because thats his baby..and my sister have to do about it..??please help!!

    PS.uploade the baby's pic

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