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  1. #1
    Member axis22's Avatar
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    Documents for ILR

    Hi everyone,

    Getting a bit worried about these documents required for ILR.

    For example our electricity company despite several calls refuses to send our bills with 2 names on the front (EDF Energy).They say they can only stipulate one account holder and so it can't be done.So our bills have only my wife's name on the front.Has anyone else had this problem?

    My bank(Santander) has refused to accept my wife onto my longstanding bank account because they say she has no credit history,but how could she have? It seems the only option is for me to join her new account with HSBC but this causes major upheaval to my bank and business accounts but i guess we have no choice.

    kind regards

    david and rose

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by axis22 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Getting a bit worried about these documents required for ILR.

    For example our electricity company despite several calls refuses to send our bills with 2 names on the front (EDF Energy).They say they can only stipulate one account holder and so it can't be done.So our bills have only my wife's name on the front.Has anyone else had this problem?

    My bank(Santander) has refused to accept my wife onto my longstanding bank account because they say she has no credit history,but how could she have? It seems the only option is for me to join her new account with HSBC but this causes major upheaval to my bank and business accounts but i guess we have no choice.

    kind regards

    david and rose
    Your wife can open an account with HSBC

    Take a look here:-

    I realise there's a cost involved but may be useful as option in the short term.

    Try not to get too hung up on documents/letters with both your names. Although that's the simplest it's often not the easiest.
    The requirement from UKBA is principally to demonstrate that you have been living together at the same address (and still do) throughout the 2 years probationary period.
    If you take a look at the ILR application form the UKBA do provide some of the most common examples.

    Personally I haven't known any of the main utility companies refuse two named account holders before. But's that's not to say it never happens. Maybe just unlucky.
    I know that most BT do not accept 2 names.
    Better to do some search here as there are many posts with good examples for documents. You really don't need that many spread over the two years.

  3. #3
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    hi axis,

    I managed to open an account with Lloyds at no cost with my father inlaw's referral. I bet Rose can open an account with them as well. Rose needs someone who knows her at least 12months plus so she can open account with them.
    Let me know if there is anything i can help. Check with lloyds first as to what options you have.
    Life as we make it

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I have no problems with barclays they just asked my passport and since i am not yet joined my husband with the utility bills last year , I just gave them a copy of the letter from the National Insurance....I explained to them that i need an account as i am starting to work the same month, they were more than happy to join my name with the husbands account and even open me my own savings account which i turned down as they are having charge to go with it ,..i ended up opening my own current single account with them for my salary to go in..
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    I will be opening an account in Barclays, talked to one who handle new accounts and she said it's not gonna be a hassle...

    For ILR documents, you can send them letters sent to you separately as long as the same address is shown. You can use her NHS letter.

    Just attach an explanation letter to explain why you can only provide those documents and nothing more.

  6. #6
    Member axis22's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot for the replies.

    Terpe wrote..
    Take a look here:-

    I realise there's a cost involved but may be useful as option in the short term
    Hi Terpe,she already has a basic HSBC savings account but i was hoping she could join my account but they wont allow it.It seems the only way to have a joint account is for me to join her account and start paying salary in.I think she can be upgraded to a full bank account if regular monthly payments are made.Thats what we will probably do.

    Confusedme wrote..

    For ILR documents, you can send them letters sent to you separately as long as the same address is shown. You can use her NHS letter.
    Good point.Seperate letters but showing the same address is still good evidence of living together.We have lots of letters like tenancy agreement and NHS letters that showing us living at the same address so thats a big help.

    Hi Purple,long time no see,hope u and ur baby are both doing well.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedMe View Post
    For ILR documents, you can send them letters sent to you separately as long as the same address is shown. You can use her NHS letter.
    ... that's the sort of documents WE used earlier in the year. As for Utility Bills ... well ... Council Tax Notifications and/or Billings are the MOST important. It's a piece of nonsense that Gas and Electricity providers are either reluctant to, or cannot address their communications to joint partners, all the same. Scottish Power are OUR energy suppliers and they were alright about it.

  8. #8
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    my husband put my name to his HSBC account after i got my national insurance number...never had a problem at all.

  9. #9
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axis22 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Getting a bit worried about these documents required for ILR.

    For example our electricity company despite several calls refuses to send our bills with 2 names on the front (EDF Energy).They say they can only stipulate one account holder and so it can't be done.So our bills have only my wife's name on the front.Has anyone else had this problem?

    My bank(Santander) has refused to accept my wife onto my longstanding bank account because they say she has no credit history,but how could she have? It seems the only option is for me to join her new account with HSBC but this causes major upheaval to my bank and business accounts but i guess we have no choice.

    kind regards

    david and rose
    That's odd! My hubby and I manage to get our Electricity & Gas Bill on our joint names we are using British gas and our Bank which is Lloyds TSB. The only company do not allowed joint names are TV license, BT.. Not sure about SKY.

    Hope this will help

  10. #10
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    My wife has been here just 6 weeks and we are already trying to compile the relevant documents. So far we have a lease agreement for our address, in joint names. And we both have our NHS card from the local GP each with our address on (I have changed GP recently). And soon we should have my wife on a joint bank account with the Isle of Man Bank (subsiduary of Nat West / Royal Bank of Scotland evidently) with joint statements to our address.....

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Anyway, David & Rose ... all the very best with your ILR.

  12. #12
    Member axis22's Avatar
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    thanks a lot Arther

    We have managed now to get EDF Energy to agree to put both our names on the utility bill,it seems it can be done after all with a bit of persistence.
    I will join HSBC as there seems to be no major problems getting a joint account with them unlike Santander.
    It seems the best advice is to shop around and be persistant,many of these companies have poor customer services who frequently give out wrong or incomplete information.

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