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Thread: Cameron v Merkel - Fight Of The Century?

  1. #1
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    Question Cameron v Merkel - Fight Of The Century?

    Yes it's true.
    The next mega-fight has nothing to do with Pacquiao or Mayweather. It's almost now upon us when David Cameron and Angela Merkel will face each other over the European crisis.

    Too much shouting from the sidelines often causes bad feeling.

    Strangely these two have more in common, in terms of ideology, than not, but have both decided that national (and personal) issues are more important than than the good of the group.
    I'd love to be a fly on the wall during those rounds when the need for ECB intervention gets raised.
    The whole world and his brother is screaming for ECB intervention by printing money.
    Angela says she will never move on that one, and she's probably more right than wrong. After all what no-one knows what would ever happen next.
    Then David will never move on the 'Tobin tax', despite the latest rumour that all of Europe is "speaking German" (backing Angela Merkel).
    In principle everyone knows what will happen if that tax gets implemented.

    So there we have it a mega-battle born out of national interests. (Thank goodness. IMHO)

    Informed sources tell me that no-one in the Euro-zone really cares what happened to Spanish Bonds sales today. Calling the bond auction a disaster is an understatement.
    In short Spain sold E3.56 billion of 10 yearr bonds (far from the expected E4 billion). It put a yield on the bond of 6.975 percent, and that is actually the the highest paid since 1997. (it was 5.4% in October 2011). Effectively that puts the debt of Spain even higher.
    More selling of Spanish is the strong rumour . Whose brilliant idea is that then?

  2. #2
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    It's obvious that the cheese eating surrender monkeys in Vichy, whoops I mean Paris will back The Fatherland because they are pretty much screwed without Germany

  3. #3
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    It's a funny thing Ian, but recently I've taken a much bigger interest in Euopean 'happenings' than I ever used to.
    The more I learn the more I want to rant.

    I have a contact (not close) whose work is related to this sort of thing. All he ever wants to talk about are the opportunities for quick profits. Strangely, those opportunities put the UK (means me) at risk ........................... he just doesn't care, just doesn't get it! That winds me up. Does me a power of good this minor ranting.

  4. #4
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    I've had to take an interest in international finances as my income prospects (or lack of them at present) depend on a liquid financial market.

    I know that modern day democratic Germany is a completely different place to the dark days of the Kaiser and Chancellor Hitler, but Germany has been an economic powerhouse since the late 1800's, what it couldn't achieve through 2 world wars, ie, complete dominance of Europe it will achieve in peacetime.
    Britain still had enough clout in the world in the early 20th Century to take on Germany, and could stand alone and trade with our colonial and former colonial partners. We are not in that position now, it will be interesting to see how DC gets on in a fight with AM.
    I personally feel we would be better off joining the stronger EU economies and forming an elite club with Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland and booting out the latins and communists

  5. #5
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    Maybe the heat has been turned down

    Hot news from 'Blackberry World'

    My good friend 'Blackdog' has revealed the latest idea from the best political brains in Euro-Zone.
    How about this, let the ECB lend money to the IMF. Afterall the IMF are relatively free to do whatever without needing a nod from those 'Merkel-sticklers' at the Bundesbank.

    Means that Angela Merkel can maintain her tough anti-monetization position, while the IMF receive much needed support and additional leverage for buying what the IMF consider an imperitive. PIIGS (nudge, nudge.....wink, wink) and we're not talking Lechon

    what could possibly go wrong?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I've had to take an interest in international finances as my income prospects (or lack of them at present) depend on a liquid financial market.

    I know that modern day democratic Germany is a completely different place to the dark days of the Kaiser and Chancellor Hitler, but Germany has been an economic powerhouse since the late 1800's, what it couldn't achieve through 2 world wars, ie, complete dominance of Europe it will achieve in peacetime.
    Britain still had enough clout in the world in the early 20th Century to take on Germany, and could stand alone and trade with our colonial and former colonial partners. We are not in that position now, it will be interesting to see how DC gets on in a fight with AM.
    I personally feel we would be better off joining the stronger EU economies and forming an elite club with Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland and booting out the latins and communists
    Ian, thanks for your interest.

    I've actually been out of the direct business stream for some years. (now it's just a hobby)
    I may be completely wrong here but have you thought about how you could tap into the BRIC markets rather than Europe?
    Just seems to me with today's technology that business relations and opportunities at those physical distances shouldn't be the barrier they used to be.

    No offence meant, I'm sure you thought about already.

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