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Thread: what to say..

  1. #1
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Question what to say..

    forum mates.. im needing a help regarding on what to do or what to say. I hope it doesn't annoy you reading if you do its ok..

    I've been absent to work since last thursday due to sickness. I went to Doctors last monday only to have a check for my self as i feel getting worst and at the same time to get a sick note from Doctor know proof that you are ill. The thing is Doctors told me they wont give me sick note not unless its over a week already. I am talking about this last monday 14th of Nov. Doctor also said that you are still ok as you have til next week of thursday (which is this week) to get rest and dont need a doctors sic note. But the best thing to do is just go at a front desk(reception) to get appoinment card as your proof and show enough to Manager that i have been in the doctorr

    And here is my situation now. I phone my manager this morning asking about when she will want me in again as i feel better now but then she told me she needs a Doctors sick note from me because i have not go to work over a week due to sickness..(think) to be honest i have not over a week yet not until friday. anyway and then i said i havent got any aside from a appointment card thats all they gave me because im not reaching yet the week allowance for sickness..


    My Way:
    1. try to call the doctor and say that my manager asking me to get a sick note before allowing to go back to work and i need you to give me. or..

    2. call the doctor and pretend that im still ill so they can just give me autmatically the sick note because i will be a week tomorrow thursday..

    WHAT DO YOU THINK GUYS... which of two is better to do..or any suggestion..

    thanks a lot...

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    You clearly do not need a 'sick note' from the doctor unless you are out for a week or more. Your manager should know this. Just return to work and explain it to him/her. I wouldn't go down the route of staying off for the extra day just to get the note, this can be seen to others as swinging it a bit, specially as you called your manager already.
    Just be honest, there is nothing that they can do. You sometimes can't avoid sickness and returning to work when you feel fit is far better.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    hi steve thanks for feels me better actually to be honest this is should not be a big deal. as i said i dont go work since last thursday and now i phone her saying that im ok now and just let me know when she will want me in again etc.. and the doctor said it already that i dont need sick note only if its over a week. so i really understand that i dont need sick note just to get back to work.. but honestly speaking i have a feeling that manager is just being fussy with me..

    what should i tell her..i always explaining my self haist..

  4. #4
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    I remember you recently returned from a holiday.
    Did you report to work at any time since returning from your holiday?

  5. #5
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    ok terpe..thats correct about holiday im on leave 1st Nov to 8Nov then off at 9Nov and supposed to work on 10th Nov Thursday but since i came from HK which is really quite tired long travel and arrive here @ tuesday i have been showing sickness on thursday that i supposed to start work at 5pm husband called my manager to say that im unwell and will bring me to doctor the next day. thats the story.

  6. #6
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    taken from:

    Statement of Fitness for Work (fit note) The fit note replaces the sick note. It is the new form that your doctor will give you when your health affects your ability to work. Find out how the fit note can help you and your employer manage your return to work after illness or injury.

    Replacing the sick note

    What has changed?
    The fit note allows your doctor to provide you with more information on how your condition affects your ability to work. This will help your employer to understand how they might be able to help you return to work sooner.

    The changes mean that your doctor can:

    •advise when you may be fit for work with some support
    •suggest common ways to help you return to work
    •give information on how your condition will affect what you can do
    What stays the same?
    The fit note can still be used as evidence for why you cannot work due to illness or an injury. You still won't need the fit note as evidence until after your seventh calendar day of sickness.If you need to apply for benefit the rules and processes have not changed. If your doctor has recommended that you 'may be fit for work' you can still apply for benefit.

    She cannot be fussy...... it's the law!!
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  7. #7
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    hi steve. doctor told me that i can rest til this week of thursday yeah..but thought to call manager as i feel better now and no need to wait til thursday..and that means that i have not more than a week or even to be exact a week if im correct i will be a week tomorrow right.. anyway doctor told me that appointment card should be fine to show to manager prooving ive been to a doctor.. so you think appoinment card and the sick note would be the same.. im confuse coz thats all the doctor told me to get in reception and thats it.. do you understand me..

  8. #8
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    No, they are different. The 'sick note' gives a reason ie: explaination of your sickness .. But all you have is an appointment card showing you made a date to visit the doctor (if you saw him or not) If your manager is so concerned that you were not actually sick, tell her to call your doctor's receptioonist.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  9. #9
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    thats a good line.. actually i should not said that appointment card and sick note is same as i know already that its different..just so bothered what to say to manager as i have said it already but she wont say anything to i dont know now if im going to call her again or just go to work without knowing when will i start again..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    ok terpe..thats correct about holiday im on leave 1st Nov to 8Nov then off at 9Nov and supposed to work on 10th Nov Thursday but since i came from HK which is really quite tired long travel and arrive here @ tuesday i have been showing sickness on thursday that i supposed to start work at 5pm husband called my manager to say that im unwell and will bring me to doctor the next day. thats the story.
    OK, my point here is that as far as I recall from my previous employers if the day following a holiday was taken as sick-day then the sick note was needed as the holiday would be counted as sick leave also.

    I'm not saying all employers are the same but it's worth checking out.
    Could cause some issues

  11. #11
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    hi terpe..i understand your point thanks.. i do have a copy of the sheet shifts schedule before i leave for holiday i took a picture of it. and in our contract says if you just feel sick make sure to make call atleast 3hrs or early before your actual working time..which i did and as in more early than the required.. but i will think what you said..thanks

  12. #12
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    OK, my point here is that as far as I recall from my previous employers if the day following a holiday was taken as sick-day then the sick note was needed as the holiday would be counted as sick leave also.

    I'm not saying all employers are the same but it's worth checking out.
    Could cause some issues
    Yes you are right, that can cause issues if you have holiday then have first days off sick, then you would need a note if your sickness was 7 days or more, needing to have the start date of sickness. It does get complicated!! enough to make you sick!!
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  13. #13
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    ok i think what im going to do is to go in the doctor tomorrow and say that before my sickness i had been into holiday then coming back here in uk straight away take my sickness leave and now please can you issue me a sick note for me to support me going back to work. IS THIS OK TO SAY TO DOCTOR?

  14. #14
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I dont see why not. He will ask you 'when' your first day of sickness was, so you better say it was at least 7 or 8 days ago.
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  15. #15
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    when i came to see the doctor last monday she actually gave me a prescription that i need to buy and also refer me to something and appoint me for my next week check up. but she didnt give me sick note as she said i dont need it..because i have until next week of thursday to go back to work and showing this be sounds really stupid to get an appointment card and saying thats all i have that ive been ill.. now i need to go back to doctor to try to get a sick note where i am ok now.. not sure of it

  16. #16
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Are you on a contract Pocahontas? read and understand everything that has been written in the contract regarding sickness holidays point in going to the doctor for a sick note if you are feeling better already, just go to your manager instead and ask (in person) about your schedules ,..if worse comes to worst go to the HR(HUman Resources) and explain.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  17. #17
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    hi sars i will check my contract after i watch deal or no deal and cooking.. yes exactly i have thought already that no poin and it will be look strange am i going to doctor asking for sick note when im feeling ok and in the first place i did that already but doctor just said no need for sick note..but you know what i might be needing it now as im not having work and im one week tomorrow..grr...

  18. #18
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I dont know what its like now but I remember you had to fill in a self certification note for the first week. Then after that you needed a sick note from the doctor. Failing this you can always ask the doctor for a letter to say you are fit for work. Correct me if I am wrong guys?

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i think a doctor can not backdate a sick note, but if it came to needing one badly , i seem to think they can backdate a private sick note, but then there is a charge for private sick note,

    iv put this just for info should you get stuck, it may be a way out if you get hassle with employer

  20. #20
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    your right told me already bout it when i went last monday and she said that you need to pay for it..but she also said that you dont need sick note because if you were absent last thursday you still have a week until this thursday before go back to work so you better have a bed rest .. and she just ask me to get a appoinment card @ reception area as my proof that i had been in the doctor..but to be honest when the doctor told me about it..honestly speaking APPOINTMENT CARD is not a relevant evidence that i've been ill right.. i dont know how on earth doctor actually instruct me to do it which ofcourse i did i actually have 2 appointment card here for my next check up..

    i check my contract and it says on sick pay page is: Payment for periods of absence due to authorised sickness will be made in accordance with the current Statutory Sick Pay Scheme where applicable..

    having said that im not thinking to get paid of my sick pay all im thinking is what move should i do..oviously really no point going back to doctor"i dont even know who's doctor its going put on me.there are no assurance that same doctor can see me if im going" or just go to work and talk in person to manager "but im a bit scary to be honest with her because i am honestly not GOOD listening and answering in english in actual conversation." so i am thinking maybe calling her wish someone can talk to her in behalf of that possible..

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