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Thread: advice/thoughts/ guidance/

  1. #1
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    advice/thoughts/ guidance/

    good evening,
    a few years go i purchased a house n lot in metro manila, we purchased it and have all the deeds etc ,our intentions are to knock down the house and build 5 or 6, 2 story appartments for rent, we will be going to the philippines at christmas for our holiday,and i want to get the ball rolling on the demolition and the plans made up for the new build, i have heard a few horror storys regarding local builders etc, and was wondering if anyone has any ideas guidance etc ,any tips contacts etc will be helpful

    thanx in advance

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I would suggest to go for the local city engineers office for the planning and building (they have all the list for the architects,blue prints etc) will be quite expensive but worth it....dont hire workers on a daily basis they will just do their work slow and u cant guarantee a good outcome.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
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    thanx for your reply sars

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    your welcome... it will be very good if you stay while the building is on progress as you know and can supervise all the materials they will be using to prevent a piss-poor performance
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    good evening,
    a few years go i purchased a house n lot in metro manila, we purchased it and have all the deeds etc ,our intentions are to knock down the house and build 5 or 6, 2 story appartments for rent, we will be going to the philippines at christmas for our holiday,and i want to get the ball rolling on the demolition and the plans made up for the new build, i have heard a few horror storys regarding local builders etc, and was wondering if anyone has any ideas guidance etc ,any tips contacts etc will be helpful

    thanx in advance
    Hi there jimcarie,

    I can only speak from my own experience and that of a number of friends.

    I really don't want to sound so negative and I say this only as a help for you.
    Do not consider such a building project unless you intend to be in Pinas during the project and unless you intend to visit the site almost everyday, and unless you intend to verify all material pruchases, and unless you intend to install good security and unless you intend to fully utilse the services of the local Engineers office and a trusted contact there.

    Others may say something different, that's their opinion, I just give mine based on a number of builds.
    It can be a highly distressing and costly experience if you personally do not maintain almost daily control on practicalities.

    It sounds like a wonderfully exciting and worthwhile plan, and could be such a great investment, so please please do your research take you time and always expect the unexpected.

    Take your time mate, there is a member here who is a contractor/builder who says he builds to western standards.
    Might be worth discussing with him some of the dangers.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    good luck

  7. #7
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    thanx for the info terpe
    my first port of call will be the local engineers office,and to get building licsence,although there is a 2 story dwelling already on the land that is mainly concrete and quiete large,and going on the info i have has been standing for many many years,shouldnt be a problem,in obtaining the planning,unless theres restrictions on building appartments,and the fact if they see a none filipino involved in the build prices may rise so i was thinking of the wife dealing with that side with me in the back ground,although as you know, news travels faster than the daily papers there, and i agree it would be stupid if i wasnt present while the build is being done to oversea it.we have plenty of time so it wont be getting rushed,

  8. #8
    Respected Member philuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi there jimcarie,

    I can only speak from my own experience and that of a number of friends.

    I really don't want to sound so negative and I say this only as a help for you.
    Do not consider such a building project unless you intend to be in Pinas during the project and unless you intend to visit the site almost everyday, and unless you intend to verify all material pruchases, and unless you intend to install good security and unless you intend to fully utilse the services of the local Engineers office and a trusted contact there.

    Others may say something different, that's their opinion, I just give mine based on a number of builds.
    It can be a highly distressing and costly experience if you personally do not maintain almost daily control on practicalities.

    It sounds like a wonderfully exciting and worthwhile plan, and could be such a great investment, so please please do your research take you time and always expect the unexpected.

    Take your time mate, there is a member here who is a contractor/builder who says he builds to western standards.
    Might be worth discussing with him some of the dangers.
    i agree 100%, have heard some real horror stories from friends that have had building work done in the phils,
    make sure the Quote for any work carried out is for the whole job including materials, a lot of building work there tends to go way over budget, espesialy if the builder you employ has other jobs on the go elswhere, I personaly would not consider having any work done without being able to oversee the project

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