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Thread: Dodgy Airlines.

  1. #1
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    Dodgy Airlines.

    Nearly fell out of bed laughing this morning when a report came on the radio about passengers on an aircraft flying from India who, after landing in Vienna were asked for £150 each for fuel, or basically they'd have to get out and walk the rest of the way to England.

    Airline called 'Com-air', Austria-based, but main shareholder Indian.

    BBC spoke to him, and he said he hadn't been paid by the travel agent, and passengers on another flight from India were about to be similarly fleeced.

  2. #2
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    Passenger jet packed with British tourists narrowly avoids disaster... after pilots land it on WRONG part of airport

    Read more:

    Just thought I'd post this as the topic is Dodgy Airlines - the "pilots" of this aircraft should now be signing on at the JobCentre

  3. #3
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    Hey Dedworth, back in the 90s my mate was on a PAL evening flight from Manila, and realised the pilot was trying to land in Victoria Harbour in Hongkong....instead of the actual airport !

    The intercom announced that there was a 'technical' fault (yeah right ) and they turned round and went back to Manila !

  4. #4
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    I once flew in a single engined Cessna that was so old and dangerous that I felt it was far safer to jump out of it at 12000 feet

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Airline called 'Com-air', Austria-based, but main shareholder Indian.
    ... you sure they're "Indians" ... and not "cowboys" ??

  6. #6
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    haha, as a pilot of such aircraft I take offence. Have to admit, i've seen some horrified faces the first time i've taken them up.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I was on a flight to Sofia (Bulgaria) many, many winters ago.

    Due to the snowstorms in Europe, it was about 4hrs late in departure. But, after take-off, it claimed above the weather, and everything was hunky-dory.

    About 2hrs into the 3hr flight, the plane starts descending, the weather getting worse the lower we got. I look across the aisle to the guy opposite. We both look at our watches, and both have the same confused expressions on our faces.

    No announcements from the flight deck, and the air hostesses have made themselves scarce.

    As we get lower, I hear the under-carriage being lowered & snapping into place. A few people by this time are looking both confused & worried.

    Suddenly, with no announcement or fasten seat belt notices, we’re landing on a runway.

    I again look at the bloke opposite, and we both at the same time say “This can’t be Sofia…. that’s another hour away”.

    Outside, the snow is falling heavily, with visibility about 50-100metres… but by now half the plane are on their feet, struggling into their coats and getting their luggage out of the racks. And still no announcement or hostesses.

    The plane taxis along the runway….. and for about 20-30mins we’re sitting there, with the engines idling, and the people in the aisles (with their coats & hats & luggage) getting more and more agitated. And still, no announcement or hostesses.

    Suddenly, with no warning…. the engines roar into life, we hurtle down the runway…. and we’re airborne again. People are laying in the aisles, over the seats. Luggage is strewn everywhere, and continues to fall out of the overhead lockers.

    So…. the plane continues on its merry journey… and lo and behold, another 1 1/2hrs later we land in Sofia. Still no announcements, and still no sign of any of the flight crew.

    Bizarre (and frightening) to say the least.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  8. #8
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    haha that is a strange story. I can't imagine how you felt at the time.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    haha, as a pilot of such aircraft I take offence. Have to admit, i've seen some horrified faces the first time i've taken them up.
    I've been in a few 2 and 4 seater training Cessna's at my local flying clubs and they are quite nice, but the old knacker at the parachute club was a bit like a Mk1 Transit van with wings, and with wooden bench seats in the back. The half hour climb upto 12K feet was the most terrifying experience in my life, knowing that soon i could be plummetting towards my doom.
    When I'd left the aircraft the 6K freefall was the most exhillarating experience of my life, although I have to admit there was a huge sense of relief when the chute opened and I slowly drifted back down to terra firma. After I had landed, I wanted to get back in the aircraft and do it again

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    haha that is a strange story. I can't imagine how you felt at the time.
    Staff probably not allowed to use passenger toilets.

  11. #11
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I think their familys should join them in india. More room for our philipino wives then. I am biased of coarse.

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