Going into Perth Royal Infirmary in about 3 hours' time for the minor surgery I mentioned here a few weeks ago ... with my operation scheduled for tomorrow morning. Being diabetic, however, a number of tests need to be undertaken in advance - hence my overnight hospitalisation for a procedure that would normally be carried out on a 'Day-Care' basis.
"What's this got to do with T-Mobile?"you're thinking. Well ... according to NHS Tayside rules, in-patients are required to arrange for someone to collect them on their discharge. And ... since I can't be arsed fiddling about with loose change to avail myself of the telephone trolley facility, I thought I'd better recharge my mobile - which I seldom use except for emergencies - only to find the £5.02p load that was on it when I last checked [God knows when!] had dwindled to a mere 52p ... in other words, you either use up your remaining balance (within a limited period) or you lose it ... a right
I'll be in touch in a couple of days folks ... so, for now,