The Philipine Government has no desire for foreign investment, whether its tourism or the multi-nationals. You look at how many companies come into the Philippines and then quickly dissapear, once they've been well and truly screwed, fingers burnt and decide never to return. The people in power in the Philippines are the same people who own the airlines, the supermarkets, the wholesalers, the importers etc etc, The minute you start having foreign interest into the country, whether through tourism or business, then you move into the spotlight and the government will be exposed for its true colours. At the moment, the government have the country setup perfectly. They have lots of overseas workers bringing money into the country, lots of money going into their pockets from the malls, supermarkets, airlines etc.
Think about it, how many different brands of supermarket exist in the Philippines? The most recent company to fail was Makro, who entered the Philippines in a partnership, setup a good cash and carry chain then were screwed and sold out completely to SM.