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Thread: Why Philippines is not a favourite tourist destination ?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    the answers to this question: politics, lack of support from the government, lack of security

    - for example, the governor of a certain province focused on eco-tourism, made a lot of effort, put a lot of money on this project. and here comes the election, sadly this said governor wasnt re-elected, reasons run a long list. The next elected official is from the opposing political party, and maybe a long time feud runs between the two politicians. The new-elect governor didnt pursue the eco-tourism project, in fact fired those people in charge of the said project because they didnt vote for him. That's one scenario that affects tourism or promotion of tourism in the country.

    - For so many problems in the country, I dont think tourism will be the top priority. Every allotted budget for each divisions, or whatever they call it, is already not enough. Say for education, military, and food, which are the top priority of the country, these dont even have enough budget for a year. What is more for tourism?

    - Rebels, terrorists in the country keep the tourist away from this beautiful country. Other thing, because of poverty, a lot of people are forced by their circumstances to kidnap, rob, hold-up, etc just to survive.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetnote143 View Post
    the answers to this question: politics, lack of support from the government, lack of security

    - for example, the governor of a certain province focused on eco-tourism, made a lot of effort, put a lot of money on this project. and here comes the election, sadly this said governor wasnt re-elected, reasons run a long list. The next elected official is from the opposing political party, and maybe a long time feud runs between the two politicians. The new-elect governor didnt pursue the eco-tourism project, in fact fired those people in charge of the said project because they didnt vote for him. That's one scenario that affects tourism or promotion of tourism in the country.

    - For so many problems in the country, I dont think tourism will be the top priority. Every allotted budget for each divisions, or whatever they call it, is already not enough. Say for education, military, and food, which are the top priority of the country, these dont even have enough budget for a year. What is more for tourism?

    - Rebels, terrorists in the country keep the tourist away from this beautiful country. Other thing, because of poverty, a lot of people are forced by their circumstances to kidnap, rob, hold-up, etc just to survive.
    May I ask which governor and / or which province?

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