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Thread: Hi everyone need some help

  1. #1
    Respected Member patrickm1978's Avatar
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    Hi everyone need some help

    Today my wife was told she has passed the english a1 exam now we want to start getting all our documents in order so we can send away her spouse spouse visa application.
    The one thing I have been trying to find is the supporting documents checklist I have looked on google for it and also on the ukba site and can't find the supporting documents checklist
    I want a copy of this so we can prepare all the required documents as next month we are aiming to send away her spouse visa application so if someone could send me a link to find this it would be such a big help thanks so much everyone from Patrick and rotsen

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    try this Completed visa application form
    In some locations you can only apply
    by making an online application. You
    should check on our supported
    countries page to see if you should
    make an online application
     If your country does not support online applications you must complete and
    submit a VAF4A

     If you make an online application you must also print the application off and
    submit it with any supporting documents you have chosen to submit.
    A current and valid travel document or
    We will not issue a visa if you do not have a valid passport or travel document
    to put the visa in.
    One passport sized colour photograph This must comply with the requirements in our photo guidance
    Evidence of your permission to be in
    the country where you are applying, if
    you are not a national of that country
    This could be a residence permit, ‘green card’ or valid visa showing your
    current immigration status.
    Previous passports These are to show your previous travel history
    Tuberculosis (TB) certificate (where
    Anyone aged over 11 resident in certain countries applying for a visa to come
    to the UK for longer than 6 months need to get a certificate confirming that they
    are free from infectious Tuberculosis (TB) before applying for a visa. A list of
    these countries along with information on TB testing can be found on the UKBA
    Evidence of your marital status This could include a marriage certificate, a civil partnership certificate, a divorce
    certificate or a death certificate
    This guide is provided free of charge
    and is for use outside the UK only
    This form is
    2 VER.06 18/08/2011
    Evidence of your current employment or studies
    This could include:
     a letter from your employer on company headed paper – detailing your salary and the length of your employment, confirming that you have been given time off work, and stating whether this time off is paid or unpaid
     a letter from your education provider on headed paper – confirming your enrolment and leave of absence
     business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date when the business started trading
    Evidence of English language requirement
    The applicant is required to speak and understand English to a minimum level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
    The English requirement can be met in the following ways:
     By passing a test with an approved provider and providing a certificate that clearly shows the applicant’s name and the qualification obtained; or
     By having a degree taught in English; or
     By being a citizen or national of a majority English language speaking country (which is specified in the relevant Immigration Rule).
    There are some exemptions to this requirement. For further information see the full guidance on the English language requirements.
    N.B. From 18 July 2011 all applications must be submitted with evidence from a provider on the new list published on the 6 April:
    New list of approved English language test providers
    Information about your finances and employment
    You may submit any of the following financial documents to provide us with evidence of how your stay in the UK will be funded. You should consider including evidence of your total monthly income from all sources, for example employment, friends, family, savings or property.
    If you are providing documents from a joint account, you may wish to explain who the other account holders are, and why you have permission to spend money from the account If your spouse or partner is employed then the Entry Clearance Officer may find it helpful to see evidence of their employment and financial details If you are not funding your stay yourself, the person who will fund it should consider supplying the evidence.
    Bank statements or bank books
    Showing what has been paid in and out of an account for up to the previous six months, and naming the account holder. If you have made deposits in your account that are not in keeping with the account history then you may wish to explain the origins and timing of these deposits.
    Bank letter or balance certificate
    Showing the account balance, the account holder’s name and the date when the account was opened.
    Covering up to the previous six months. If your salary is paid directly into your bank account, you could consider providing the statements showing these payments
    Tax returns (business or personal)
    You could include recent documents from your government tax office, confirming your income and the amount of tax that you have paid
    Business bank account statements
    If you include these, you may wish to explain why you are allowed to spend the money from a business account
    3 VER.06 18/08/2011
    Evidence of income from property or land
    This could include property deeds, mortgage statements, tenancy agreements, accountant’s letters, land registration documents or crop receipts. If the property or land is registered in several names, you may wish to explain how much you own. If the money earned from the land is shared, you may wish to say how it is divided
    Accommodation details
    You may wish to submit any of the following documents to provide us with evidence of your accommodation. We advise that you do not make any payments for accommodation, travel and so on until you have received your visa.
    Details of the accommodation that you and your sponsor intend to live in and permission for you to stay there along with evidence of any other occupants
    This could include:
     Land Registry documents
     mortgage statements
     rent book or tenancy agreement
     council tax statements
     property inspection report
     utilities bills
     accommodation details with a supporting letter from the occupant/ landlord confirming that you are able to stay there
    Information about your sponsor in the UK
    You may wish to provide some of the following documents to help to show your sponsors circumstances in the UK.
    Evidence of your sponsor’s current employment, studies or other means of support and total monthly income after tax.
    This could include a variety of any of the financial documents outlined above in the finances section. Details of annual taxable income in the UK is normally found on HMRC form P60
    Any details of study should also be provided.
    Evidence of your sponsor’s immigration status/ permission to be in the UK
    This could be copies of:
     bio-data pages from their passport or Travel Document
     valid UK visa or UK stamp from their passports
     Home Office letter confirming their permission to stay in the UK
    Evidence of your relationship to your sponsor and any contact between you
    This could be a letter from your sponsor confirming your relationship and that they are supporting your application along with copies of:
     birth certificate or adoption certificate
     marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate
     death or divorce certificate
     photographs of your wedding, civil partnership ceremony or other time spent together
     phone records
     emails, letters or cards
    * You should not submit DVDs or video cassettes*
    Other Dependent Relatives
    If you are applying as a dependant relative (for example parent or grandparent), your sponsor should also complete a Sponsorship Undertaking Form (SU07)
    In addition to the documents mentioned above, you may wish to provide some of the following documents to help to show your circumstances.
    4 VER.06 18/08/2011
    Evidence of any income you receive from other sources such as friends, family, savings, property etc
    This could include a variety of any of the financial documents outlined above in the finances section. If you have made deposits in your account that are not in keeping with the account history then you may wish to explain the origins and timing of these deposits
    Parent or grandparent under the age of 65 only
    You may wish to provide details if you reside with, or receive support from, other family members; or you have other family members who reside in the same country as you.
    If you are living alone, you might provide:
     your divorce certificate
     the death certificate for you spouse
     medical letters or reports detailing problems with your health or issues of a

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