Originally posted by Breo@Jul 15 2005, 05:00 PM
Hi People
I'm new here so let me introduce myself. I'm Andy/Breo
I Have been to CEBU this year to meet my girl friend for the first time while I was there we got engadged. And we plan to marry maybe at the end of 2005 or the start of 2006 / I was just wondering if anyone can tell me what is the best visa to apply for so my wife can come to the UK to me and is she the one who will need to apply for the visa.
I'm Totally new to all this so I don't really have a clue but any help or comments would be greatley apprecated.
Thank you in advance.
Hello Andy, go to the courting and relationships section, specially written for guys like you, and then the British Citizenship/Visas section, there is a wealth of information, sorry you cant visit my site at the moment....http://www.british-filipino.com, those w.....kers at the British Embassy, have got a thing about me at the moment...have to keep a low profile...but there is plenty of information on this forum to help you, personally, I would advise you not to marry in the Philippines, get a fiancee visa, its quicker, and will save you months of heartache.....take my advice dont take it...but trust me...I know.
There is also information in the Courting and Relationships section on "Where to Marry ? Philippines or UK" you need to do some research Pal !!!!! but its all here, all painstakingly written by myself and Forum Admin....wish we had someone back then when we went through all this.
Best wishes