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Thread: Help guys, i'm confused with my boyfriend

  1. #1
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Help guys, i'm confused with my boyfriend

    Hello everyone, i'm a newbie here and i'm reading the different forums here in filipinouk. I became interested in this forum cause i had a British boyfriend from London.... and i just wanna share some of my dilemmas in our relationship.

    I'm in a relationship with a British guy, we've been 5 months now, he is a Barrister in London and he has a daughter, he's a widow. We've been so intimate and all, we share dreams, enjoy each other and we talk a lot till morning (local time) and we even have a cyber intimate sex if that's what you call it, and i do that for the first time cause he insist that he will be the only one to see me nude. Then days past and we're still sweet to each other then he even ask my ring size and decided he will come here this end of November 2011 but then his daughter got sick and he told me his daughter need some rare herbal medicine which is already out-of-stock in London so he ask me if i can contact the source from Malaysia so i do it. Then when i contacted the supplier i relay to him the result the account # of the supplier and that the cost will be USD4000 all-in-all to be delivered here in my place cause they are visiting me. But then he asked me if i can pay for that i said i don't have any money cause i just quit my job so he says ok. But the other day he again suggested me if i can pay the half of it, i told him again i didn't have that money and i'm sick so it will be impossible, i said if its your daughter's health concern might as well cancel the flight tickets so he can buy the medicine since they don't have a plane and date yet and i can wait for him maybe next month or next year. He even ask why i don't have that kind of money and say i must start saving i was so upset that i told him i just quit my job and invest my money to a business so i don't have a stable profit yet....He even ask if i can borrow to anyone. I'm just wondering why a Barrister can't afford a medicine with the price he said is more cheap than in london, i know the plane tickets cost too much but now i don't know if he is telling the truth or not.... i even ask for her daughters picture but he does not give me he said the cord of the PC has a problem and so on... i love him so much but now i'm doubting him if he really love me..... now we're still chatting but there were few sweet words and just answering in a short word ... Am i just a panic woman or is there really something wrong? please can somebody tell me what our situation really is?
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 24th November 2011 at 15:07. Reason: Merge in correct order of sequence

  2. #2
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    I'd like to ask you guys if its reasonable that my British widowed boyfriend ask me to pay for her daughters purchase medication when i recently quit my job. We've been in a relationship now for almost 5 months and we are so intimate that we even do some crazy net sex which he promise he will be the only one to see it, then he decided to come here this November i'm confused cause he still asking me if i can pay the half of the payment of the medicine which almost cause a hundred thousand in peso, i'm now doubting if he really love me or he is not true, cause he even always promise to show his daughters picture but till now i haven't see it... I know the plane ticket is really expensive but i said to cancel it so he can buy the medicine which he said its much cheaper near our country, i said let first give the priority to the child's health rather than seeing each other this month maybe next month or next year cause i'll be waiting for him cause i really love him.... but now i don't know if he is true... he even question why i don't have such money.... am i just panicking or he is someone else? please help

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a london barrister i would say charges at least £400 an hour, and he doesn't have money

    he's giving his kid expensive herbal medicine , whats wrong with the NHS or Bupa

    cybersex, bit of a risk for a london barrister you will not know of 'dirty den' out of Eastenders

    i think you've been scammed, probably he's not even in the uk

  4. #4
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    I reckon he's in an Internet Cafe in Lagos Nigeria. I'd ignore any further communications and move on.

  5. #5
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    Proceed with caution, this sounds very very suspicious and doesn't add up. Also British men tend to be a lot more shy when talking about money they don't have, (they will boast, but rarely admit when things are wrong, stiff upper lip etc).

  6. #6
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    Definitely sounds like a Nigerian scam. A London barrister (in fact any British barrister) would definitely have the means to find the medication he needs for his daughter.

    Delete and block him from your contacts and move on

  7. #7
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    This is definitely an scammed..block that man before it get worse,it happened with my friend before,look like the-same story..

  8. #8
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    I agree what others think.
    I hope he didnt record the "thing"

  9. #9
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    I agree what everybody thinks... Better to stop talking to him and move on. I hope he didn't kept a copy of your intimate video chats

  10. #10
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynwa View Post
    I agree what others think.
    I hope he didnt record the "thing"

    Awww He is a Big scammer.. Don't let anyone fool you again with their dramas in life..

    and be very careful next time because I have a friend who did same thing (cyber sex) and the guy promised that he will be the one who will watch it but nah.. after how many days... she was just surprised that the guy shot her loads of naked pictures (without her knowing it) and posted it in the Porn sites.
    I really hope it will not happen to you!

    I'm sure you can find someone who will love you and respect you.. God bless you x

  11. #11
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    100% SCAM !

    I recommend that all you Filpinas use some common sense when chatting with foreigners. ....or at least follow your instincts. If you wouldn't want your parents to know about it... DON'T DO IT !

    So many Filipinas don't even bother to search on google to find out about the UK and life here.

    The average Barrister here is a pretty wealthy man, speaks perfect English, and the last thing he would need is to borrow money from a girl in a 3rd world country.

    I hope you will learn from this and warn your friends.

    I hope HE has his testicles cut off at some point in the near future.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    Hello everyone, i'm a newbie here and i'm reading the different forums here in filipinouk.
    Hello ... and here ... where you can rely upon friendly - yet frank, down to earth advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by vische View Post
    I became interested in this forum cause i had a British boyfriend from London.... and i just wanna share some of my dilemmas in our relationship.
    Whoa ... ... STOP there! You HAD a British "boyfriend" from London.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    I'm in a relationship with a British guy, we've been 5 months now,
    ... you're NOT ... at least, not any longer ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post

    he is a Barrister in London and he has a daughter, he's a widow. We've been so intimate and all, we share dreams, enjoy each other and we talk a lot till morning (local time) and we even have a cyber intimate sex if that's what you call it, and i do that for the first time cause he insist that he will be the only one to see me nude. Then days past and we're still sweet to each other then he even ask my ring size and decided he will come here this end of November 2011 but then his daughter got sick and he told me his daughter need some rare herbal medicine which is already out-of-stock in London so he ask me if i can contact the source from Malaysia so i do it. Then when i contacted the supplier i relay to him the result the account # of the supplier and that the cost will be USD4000 all-in-all to be delivered here in my place cause they are visiting me. But then he asked me if i can pay for that i said i don't have any money cause i just quit my job so he says ok. But the other day he again suggested me if i can pay the half of it, i told him again i didn't have that money and i'm sick so it will be impossible, i said if its your daughter's health concern might as well cancel the flight tickets so he can buy the medicine since they don't have a plane and date yet and i can wait for him maybe next month or next year. He even ask why i don't have that kind of money and say i must start saving i was so upset that i told him i just quit my job and invest my money to a business so i don't have a stable profit yet....He even ask if i can borrow to anyone. I'm just wondering why a Barrister can't afford a medicine with the price he said is more cheap than in london, i know the plane tickets cost too much but now i don't know if he is telling the truth or not.... i even ask for her daughters picture but he does not give me he said the cord of the PC has a problem and so on...
    ... it's highly IMPROBABLE he's a barrister - an unscrupulous basrd, more like! One of many, unfortunately, who carve out a living by preying on unsuspecting, vulnerable young women - otherwise, WHY else would an affluent member of the English legal profession expect someone in your position to even "chip in" with the cost of medication his daughter [purportedly] needs from abroad? What's to hinder him paying for everything himself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    i love him so much but now i'm doubting him if he really love me..... now we're still chatting but there were few sweet words and just answering in a short word ... Am i just a panic woman or is there really something wrong? please can somebody tell me what our situation really is?
    ... I realise it ISN'T the sort of reply you'd been hoping to receive. But this man is a charlatan! And the sooner you cease all contact - the better!

  13. #13
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    i agree .. most likely a nigerian, they tend to spend all day online scamming

  14. #14
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    most of those scammers pretend to be either a lawyer or a professor tell him you can only afford to send him 100 pesos and see if he grabs it

  15. #15
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    Filipinas....ask your 'boyfriend' to ring you and listen to his fine 'English' accent. lol

    Oh, he's back again :

  16. #16
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    At least you've practised safe sex

  17. #17
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    I take it he couldn't afford a webcam either.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I take it he couldn't afford a webcam either.
    The containers carrying all the webcams must be bypassing Africa
    ...nobody seems to have one there....apparently alot of men are posing as can guess the rest

  19. #19
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    just like many have said on here , tell him to swing next time, if there is a next time, why oh why are not all men like me.

  20. #20
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    Those Nigerians can be a real pain....thanks to ebay one of those cost me 40 quid...he kept bidding for an item I was selling....he claimed he was in the states but, wanted the item shipped directly to an Nigerian address.

    Ebay were having none of it, saying he was a customer in America.

    Twice I put it up for auction, twice this idiot won it...i refused to pay ebay hence, im no longer selling there....thanks Nigeria

  21. #21
    Respected Member LeoLady's Avatar
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    I hope HE has his testicles cut off at some point in the near future.

  22. #22
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    if u do go online with him again on cam and i would suggest u dont, just ask him to show you his watch or a clock and see if there is an 8 hour time difference as Nigeria is only 7 hours behind you. Another possibillity is to ask him to show you the front page of a newspaper, make a note of the papers name and ask on here if its British. You can also ask him what the temperature is as currently here in london this weekend it is likely to be around 12 centigrade yet Nigeria is maybe in the 30's.
    If he doesnt respond or makes excuses u can be sure hes a scammer, look up nigerian 419 scams on the net and u can read about what they get up to and more often that not they use the professional title of barrister to give u the impression they are wealthy and totally trustworthy upstanding members of the community.


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    just like many have said on here , tell him to swing next time, if there is a next time, why of why are not all men like me ,


  24. #24
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    Hi gwapito I was almost a victim of that Nigerian scam in ebay recently.
    I just post the item that night and the next day, I got an email from her with a London based address says can you send me the item I will pay you right away by paypal. I email her back and said I never dispatch item unless your payment is debited into my account. The next day she replied and ask me to send the item to Nigeria!
    I reported it right away to ebay and ask them to cancel it.
    cheeky scammers.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynwa View Post
    Hi gwapito I was almost a victim of that Nigerian scam in ebay recently.
    I just post the item that night and the next day, I got an email from her with a London based address says can you send me the item I will pay you right away by paypal. I email her back and said I never dispatch item unless your payment is debited into my account. The next day she replied and ask me to send the item to Nigeria!
    I reported it right away to ebay and ask them to cancel it.
    cheeky scammers.
    Cheeky Ebay refused to cancel mine

  26. #26
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    cheeky scammers do everything just to squeeze money from anyone.
    I told ebay about the situation. It is also quite obvious since her account don't even have a single feedback from buyer/seller. There's no doubt she is a bogus buyer.

    I wish ebay would give at least a little consideration on your side.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynwa View Post
    cheeky scammers do everything just to squeeze money from anyone.
    I told ebay about the situation. It is also quite obvious since her account don't even have a single feedback from buyer/seller. There's no doubt she is a bogus buyer.

    I wish ebay would give at least a little consideration on your side.
    Im afraid, just like the scammer, ebay's only consideration was to extract as much money from me as possible.

    It may of been different if I'd been using the site a long time. I hadn't. Anyway it served its purpose at the time

  28. #28
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    when i startedtalking with my now fiancee she gave me 3 chances if i didnt have web cam she wouldnt talk again she was carefull as it was my cam was broke but i had one buy time we had our 3rd talk you should do same no cam no talk plus she never once ask me for money and i never ask her for money i told her from start i was not after sex on or off web even when i went to see her if this guy had any respect he would not have even ask you to have cyber sex if ever a guy asks again just say no then block him dont let this put you off finding a good man and dont be quick to fall in love it takes time

  29. #29
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    Good post.

    I'm the same with my girlfriend....totally honest and open.

    First thing facebook friend, then member on here. Nothing to hide from both sides.

  30. #30
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Hi Vische!

    Sorry to say, but like the others say, it's a scam for sure. Firstly again like others say, barristers earn very good money, so wouldn't be asking you to pay. Secondly, we have good doctors and hospitals here who would prescribe the medicines for her with only the cost of the prescriptions, so there would be no need to order the medicines from abroad and even then, it would be nowhere near that cost. These days, I can't imagine that he doesn't have any digital photos of his daughter on his PC/laptop, ok, not everyone might not have up-to-date ones, but I'm pretty sure that parents these days will have lot of digital pics of their children since digital cameras can be bought so cheap now. Also if you've been chatting for that long, he should know more about you, your situation and that most people there would not be able to afford that kind of money very easily.

    I think like a lot of scammers he's been clever and said various things to make it sound like he's serious about you and that you're close like asking your ring size, coming to see you, and chatting about your dreams etc.

    Anyway, I'm glad you joined here and asked us our advice before things got any more serious or you lost any money to him. Please don't do any more cyber-sex with any guy, as some will only be after that-and most will ask at some point, so it doesn't sound so great for the future if they do and he could be asking other girls as well. If he does ask, in a roundabout way or hints, then refuse and say you don't do that (it's maybe a good idea to say to guys when you start chatting that you don't do it, so that lets them know from the start and if that is what they are after, then it will save them wasting your time and they can go after the next girl). If he's still interested and never mentions it again + hasn't tried any kind of scam and you have no doubts/worries, then that should mean he is serious about you, but of course best of all, is if he's never asked in the first place!

    You can always ask us for any advice or worries you have in the future about guys who you have met/are chatting with.

    Good luck!

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