well today the heating went on, well i had no choice really, walking in from work and my Em is sitting there pompom hat on and scarf round her neck, i though better put it on, but i tell you all my shower tonight was nice and warm when i came out,
well today the heating went on, well i had no choice really, walking in from work and my Em is sitting there pompom hat on and scarf round her neck, i though better put it on, but i tell you all my shower tonight was nice and warm when i came out,
Thought I was tight.
So what have you got her doing now....out collecting wood ?
bloody hell Ian you read my mind
The good news is:
I'm soon to be taking up my old job again as an Energy Efficiency Surveyor....handing out free home insulation to all you chilly people.
Need the money to finance MY upcoming trips to the Phils.
Good man.
I started selling it back in 1977. Good money then.
Put the 5% deposit down on my first house 3 months later with 2 weeks wages
Where did it all go ?
It was £149 after the discount and subsidies, but well worth it. It has made an immediate difference, my house retains the heat for much longer. With the price of gas these days, I don't think it will take too long to save the initial investment
If you get back into that line of business Graham, good luck, I hope it's a profitable venture for you
I have not put any heating on yet
I have an "Age Concern" room thermometer that has a scale that shows when the temp is below 16 C and too cold, mine seems to be around 20C most of the time
I live in a ground floor well insulated flat in a block of 4.
Dont know how you managed to avoid putting the heating on until now Steve!! Unless like Mick it is well very well insulated.
BTW Cavity wall insulation was the best thing I had done to our house. A great investment.
as i read your replyes am sitting in my sleeping bag on sofa npower took 67 pounds last month there not getting that again i still got my army cold weather kit left lol
wish i could have cavity wall insulation, my home was built in the very early 1900s so no cavity at all
Yes....shame with those solid ones Steve.
You can get insulation board these days to put on the outside walls internally, but even polystyrene wallpaper will help (emulsion or paper over it.).
Vital for anyone 'sealing up' their house to ensure that all heating appliances and boilers are still able to breathe properly.
Remember, they need a lot more oxygen than you do, and except in the case of balanced flue appliances, they will steal it from YOU without you realising.
ALL open fires and log-burners need 'primary' combustion air vents in the outside wall of the room now, and also oil-fired boilers over 5 kw (even bal-flue), and all gas fires 7kw output or over.
Most bal-flue gas boilers are ok.
Remember that around 15% of your heat is lost through the floor, so seal between floorboards and around skirting. Rugs and carpets will retain more heat too.
....and, happy birthday Steve.....poor old bugger.
Dont forget to pay your tax graham thats a good fellow. The government needs the money..
never mind the poor old bugger,can you remenber being 53 all those years ago
Like the Christmas tree...it went off end of may...back on August end
We don't suffer in silence in this house
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