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Thread: Parent's Date of Marriage

  1. #1
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    Parent's Date of Marriage

    Hi, we live in the UK and my wife is Filipina, now a British citizen. On the application form for her British passport, she needs to give the date of marriage of her parents, who separated many years ago, and neither of them can remember the date they got married.

    We need help to get this information, and was wondering if you had any ideas how please.


  2. #2
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    They do ask some stupid bloody questions don't they....bearing in mind the countries that a lot of the applicants originate from, and often the total lack of records anyway.

    I'd be inclined to ring the relevant authority and ask for their advice.

    They'll probably just say put 'not known'.

    You can only tell the truth after all.

    Imagine someone coming from Cambodia and having to explain that 3 generations of their family were buried in a pit and the local records office ransacked and turned into a torture centre.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jazbernsina View Post
    Hi, we live in the UK and my wife is Filipina, now a British citizen. On the application form for her British passport, she needs to give the date of marriage of her parents, who separated many years ago, and neither of them can remember the date they got married.

    We need help to get this information, and was wondering if you had any ideas how please.

    As I recall, my wife also faced such questions. Even at the passport interview they insisted to ask about her grandparents key dates.

    If she didn't know she just put 'not known'

    After all the key info of both parents were given at the time of application for naturalisation (DOB, Place OB, Full name and Maiden Names).
    Besides, not all parents actually get married.

    As Graham suggests, if you are really concerned just give the Passport people a phone call.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for your suggestions, we have actually found her parents' date of marriage - it's on her birth certificate!

  5. #5
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    150 mean the one they've already got a copy of ?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jazbernsina View Post
    Thanks for your suggestions, we have actually found her parents' date of marriage - it's on her birth certificate!
    I just looked at my wife's birth certificate, yep it's there also. he he
    No mention of her grandparents though

    If an interview with the passport office is needed, please don't get worried. It's normally 5minutes max and easy peasy stuff. The passport is probably already prepared and waiting to be posted.

  7. #7
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    I guess these sort of questions are providing life long employment with gilt-edged pensions to boot

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