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Thread: H E L P..need advise and help regarding my sons future visa application:-/

  1. #1
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    H E L P..need advise and help regarding my sons future visa application:-/

    Here is our situation I have a 4yrd old son from my previous relationship and im not married to my sons father though he signed his paternity and he is using my ex surnameHe never supported my son since birth until now.

    1 month after 1 gave birth(2008) I went to Singapore to work to support my son .. while Im in Singapore my parents look after my son while Im away. His father visit him not often coz he never cared about him though his relatives sometimes come to see my son. I went back to ph last year (2010) to take care of my son.

    I read some thread here similar to my story and I also heard that if the father give or signed consent its more easier for me to bring my son..though I believed that(correct me if Im wrong) under ph law an illegitimate child under 7y/o the mother has all the rights to the childs up bringing and she can bring anywhere she want to go.

    I just want to know what should I do or what are my chances after my ex refused to sign the consent that will allow me to bring my son and going to live abroad?????

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Hmm thats a tricky one. I assume the fathers name is on the birth certificate?

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes is the father named on the birth cert ? good job you went back to look after your son, you need to show the British Embassy you have 'sole custody' and 'Sole responsibility'

  4. #4
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    I can only speak in my situation where my wife has a daughter from a previous marriage in the Philippines. When we first applied for her to come to the UK on a visit visa with my wife, we discussed this with the Embassy and they said that they just needed some proof or statement that father had no involvement.
    In the end we just provided a letter from my wife saying that she had no contact and no way of contacting the husband, and they said this would also be sufficient in the future for a settlement visa.
    Now the family are in the process of moving to Oman, where it isn't an issue either.

  5. #5
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Hmm thats a tricky one. I assume the fathers name is on the birth certificate?
    yah the father's name is on his birth certificate :(

  6. #6
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes is the father named on the birth cert ? good job you went back to look after your son, you need to show the British Embassy you have 'sole custody' and 'Sole responsibility'
    yep the father named on his birt certi (stupid me)...My hubby told me to go back and take care of my son untill we can complete all our docs and we are ready to apply for our visas...
    my only problem is that his biological father wont sign the consent I dont want to talk to my ex as much as possible coz everytime we talk we end up fighting and yelling each other
    Do you think i still need the consent???

  7. #7
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I can only speak in my situation where my wife has a daughter from a previous marriage in the Philippines. When we first applied for her to come to the UK on a visit visa with my wife, we discussed this with the Embassy and they said that they just needed some proof or statement that father had no involvement.
    In the end we just provided a letter from my wife saying that she had no contact and no way of contacting the husband, and they said this would also be sufficient in the future for a settlement visa.
    Now the family are in the process of moving to Oman, where it isn't an issue either.
    really??do you think letter we from me stating that his father no contact to my son and never supported him since birth will help us???
    I already have ffidavit of Sole Custody and Sole Responsibility from the solicitor and my hubby already signed an Affidavit of Support in the ph consulate...


  8. #8
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    Hi ann,
    we have similar ssituation where the father of my daughter signed the birth cert. but it doesnt matter as long as you write a letter explaining that your sons father didnt give u any support or show any interest in your son and etc.
    it is good that he doesnt want to sign a consent coz when we applied for my daughters visa, i contacted her father and he signed an affidavit but itt made the consul suspicious and they denied her a visa but we did appealed and she got her visa in the end. so dont worry about the consent,your son is illegitimate so so he doesnt have to give his consent as long as you can prove that have the sole responsiblity.and it seems like you have all the proofs. God bless your application.

  9. #9
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gift View Post
    Hi ann,
    we have similar ssituation where the father of my daughter signed the birth cert. but it doesnt matter as long as you write a letter explaining that your sons father didnt give u any support or show any interest in your son and etc.
    it is good that he doesnt want to sign a consent coz when we applied for my daughters visa, i contacted her father and he signed an affidavit but itt made the consul suspicious and they denied her a visa but we did appealed and she got her visa in the end. so dont worry about the consent,your son is illegitimate so so he doesnt have to give his consent as long as you can prove that have the sole responsiblity.and it seems like you have all the proofs. God bless your application.
    thanks for the comment so a brief letter of explanation will do...I think I have to start to think the best words to get there symphaty
    for sharing your experience gift

  10. #10
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anne090909 View Post

    Here is our situation I have a 4yrd old son from my previous relationship and im not married to my son’s father though he signed his paternity and he is using my ex surname…He never supported my son since birth until now.

    1 month after 1 gave birth(2008) I went to Singapore to work to support my son .. while I’m in Singapore my parents look after my son while I’m away. His father visit him not often coz he never cared about him though his relatives sometimes come to see my son. I went back to ph last year (2010) to take care of my son.

    I read some thread here similar to my story and I also heard that if the father give or signed consent its more easier for me to bring my son..though I believed that(correct me if I’m wrong) under ph law an illegitimate child under 7y/o the mother has all the rights to the child’s up bringing and she can bring anywhere she want to go….

    I just want to know what should I do or what are my chances after my ex refused to sign the consent that will allow me to bring my son and going to live abroad?????

    Thanks in advance,

    to add info:
    my ex and I never lived together back then we got separated just 2 weeks when I gave birth actually he blame me why I got pregnant so right there and then I realized that he is 1 big asshole...(sorry for my words)

  11. #11
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anne090909 View Post
    thanks for the comment so a brief letter of explanation will do...I think I have to start to think the best words to get there symphaty
    for sharing your experience gift
    When we applied for a visa for my wifes son, we supplied 3 letters explaining the situation, one from myself as I acted as co-sponsor, one from her mother as she had been looking after her son while she was away and the third was from my wife, the sponsor.

    The father was not named on the birth certificate and had little contact and no support to his son, all this was explained in the letters and the visa was issued.

  12. #12
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    When we applied for a visa for my wifes son, we supplied 3 letters explaining the situation, one from myself as I acted as co-sponsor, one from her mother as she had been looking after her son while she was away and the third was from my wife, the sponsor.

    The father was not named on the birth certificate and had little contact and no support to his son, all this was explained in the letters and the visa was issued.
    thanks rusty thats a big help
    Im now more positive about my son's application

  13. #13
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    I think with well written letter and the affidivit of sole custody, it should be a very clear path for you on that aspect of the application. Good luck.

  14. #14
    Respected Member anne090909's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I think with well written letter and the affidivit of sole custody, it should be a very clear path for you on that aspect of the application. Good luck.
    Thanks RickyR for the advise...
    Im glad alot of freindly pipol here willing to help and give advises

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