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Thread: Norovirus ''Winter Bug''

  1. #1
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Norovirus ''Winter Bug''

    hi everyone!!

    I attended a safety,health training yesterday and was informed about the Norovirus ''winter bug'' and wanna share the links ..take care everyone!!

    Norovirus (formerly Norwalk agent) is an RNA virus (taxonomic family Caliciviridae) that causes approximately 90% of epidemic non-bacterial outbreaks of gastroenteritis around the world,[1] and may be responsible for 50% of all foodborne outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the US.[2][3] Norovirus affects people of all ages. The viruses are transmitted by faecally contaminated food or water, by person-to-person contact,[4] and via aerosolization of the virus and subsequent contamination of surfaces.[5]

    After infection, immunity to norovirus is usually incomplete and temporary.[6] There is an inherited predisposition to infection, and individuals with blood type O are more often infected,[1][7] while blood types B and AB can confer partial protection against symptomatic infection.[8][9]

    Outbreaks of norovirus infection often occur in closed or semi-closed communities, such as long-term care facilities, overnight camps, hospitals, prisons, dormitories, and cruise ships where the infection spreads very rapidly either by person-to-person transmission or through contaminated food.[10] Many norovirus outbreaks have been traced to food that was handled by one infected person.[11]

    Norovirus is rapidly inactivated by either sufficient heating or by chlorine-based disinfectants, but the virus is less susceptible to alcohols and detergents as it does not have a lipid envelope.[12]

    Symptoms of norovirus :
    The first sign of norovirus is usually a sudden sick feeling followed by forceful vomiting and watery diarrhoea.

    Some people may also have:

    a raised temperature (over 38C/100.4F)
    stomach cramps
    aching limbs

    Symptoms usually appear one to two days after you become infected but they can start sooner. Most people make a full recovery within a couple of days.

    Apart from the risk of dehydration, the illness is not generally dangerous and there are usually no long-lasting effects from having norovirus. However, it can be pretty unpleasant while you have it.


    The main risk from norovirus is dehydration from your body losing water and salts from vomiting and diarrhoea.

    The first sign of dehydration is thirst. Other symptoms are:

    dizziness or light-headedness
    dry mouth, lips and eyes
    dark, concentrated urine
    passing only small amounts of urine (fewer than three or four times a day)

    Mild dehydration is common and can be easily reversed by making sure you have plenty to drink.

    Dehydration is more of a risk in the very young and the elderly. It's important that you get medical attention straight away if you think your child is becoming dehydrated.
    Severe dehydration

    If you do not replace the lost fluid, dehydration will get worse and could lead to complications such as low blood pressure and kidney failure, and can even be fatal.

    As well as severe thirst, you may also have:

    dry, wrinkled skin
    an inability to urinate
    sunken eyes
    a weak pulse
    a rapid heartbeat
    cold hands and feet

    There is no specific treatment for norovirus.

    It's best to let the illness run its course and your body usually fights off the infection within a couple of days. You don't need to see a doctor.

    It is important to have plenty to drink and, if you feel the need, paracetamol for any fever or aches and pains.

    Try to eat foods that are easy to digest, such as soup, rice, pasta and bread. Babies should continue with their normal feeds.

    To reduce the risk of passing the virus onto others, wash your hands regularly and stay at home until you are clear of symptoms for 48 hours.
    Avoid dehydration

    Drinking plenty of fluids is particularly important for young children and the elderly, as they are more prone to dehydration. They will need urgent medical treatment if they start to show signs of dehydration.

    A healthy adult should drink about 1.2 litres (six to eight glasses) of fluid every day to stop getting dehydrated. Someone with norovirus will need to drink more than that to replace the fluids lost from vomiting and diarrhoea.

    Suitable drinks include water, squashes and fruit juice. If you are finding it hard to keep down fluids, try to take small sips more frequently to keep yourself hydrated.

    Infants and small chidlren should receive frequent sips of water even if they vomit. A small amount of fluid is better than none. Avoid giving fruit juices and carbonated drinks to children under the age of five, as these can worsen diarrhoea.

    Read more about treating babies and children with diarrhoea or who are vomiting.

    Preventing Norovirus:

    Getting norovirus cannot always be avoided, but good hygiene can help to limit the virus spreading.

    Tips to help stop the virus spreading:

    Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, particularly after using the toilet and before preparing food.
    Do not share towels and flannels.
    Disinfect any surfaces or objects that could be contaminated with the virus. It is best to use a bleach-based household cleaner.
    Wash any clothing or bedding that could have become contaminated with the virus. Wash the items separately and on a hot wash to ensure that the virus is killed.
    Flush away any infected faeces or vomit in the toilet and clean the surrounding toilet area.
    Avoid eating raw, unwashed produce and only eat oysters from a reliable source. Oysters have been known to carry the norovirus.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Thanks for the warning

  3. #3
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    I think this must be the one often called 'Winter Vomiting Virus'
    Well that's what they call it round here.
    Seems to always have big impacts on the local hospitals, causing visitations to get cancelled.

    My old dad went into hospital this time last year for a pacemaker replacement and managed to catch it. Caused him severe problems.

    Your post is spot-on sars.... thanks for the timely reminder and info.
    I hope everyone here takes note and stays well during the Christmas Season.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    so much, Mari ... for taking the time to share this extremely useful health warning with us all; it's GREATLY appreciated.

  5. #5
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    Many different viruses cause gastroenteritis ( inflammation of stomach and intestines ), including rotaviruses - for which there IS a vaccine - and noroviruses - no vaccine but usually not serious, unless there are other health problems especially in the elderly, or infants. Viral gastroenteritis is often called " stomach flu " although it's not caused by the flu virus, and norovirus the " winter vomiting virus " because in this country there are more infections in winter.
    The " 90 % " quoted by Wikipedia is misleading and guesswork - in most cases the diagnosis is clinical with no laboratory testing - indeed most people rapidly get better ( in a few days ) without seeing a doctor. However, the general rules for avoiding " norovirus " apply also to the many other types of gastoenteritis.
    It's important to remember there are many causes of gastroenteritis apart from viruses. Traveller's diarrhoea may simply reflect change of diet and type of bugs living in the gut. More severe forms are usually associated with bacteria ( E.coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Shigella ), a protozoan ( Giardia ) or Rotavirus. Mild, transient symptoms can be controlled with antimotility agents such as loperamide ; more severe, prolonged symptoms may require an antibiotic ( ciprofloxacin or metronidazole ). Antibiotics should NOT be taken prophylactically ( for " prevention " ) - they are prescription-only in the UK and readily available to buy in the Philippines.
    Medical assistance is needed, wherever the symptoms occur, if the bowel motions are blood-stained, there is a fever, other symptoms like confusion, or the diarrhoea persists longer than 72 hours.

  6. #6
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    Perhaps the Doc or another qualified contributor could inform me when Norovirus's first occurred - I don't ever recall that I or any of my fellow pupils were off school with one - absences were normally due to fairly run of the mill conditions such as mumps, flu, chicken pox etc

    A helpful post though I'll prepare myself to go out masked and gloved up

  7. #7
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    In 1972, a 27-nm " virus-like particle " was discovered by use of immune electron microscopy (IEM) in an infectious stool filtrate derived from an outbreak of gastroenteritis at an elementary school in Norwalk, Ohio . IEM showed the particles were coated by specific antibodies. This allowed recognition of one of the smallest viruses known. Antibody responses were shown in individuals infected under natural or experimental conditions. This and other evidence suggested it was the cause of the Norwalk gastroenteritis outbreak. The virus is now thought to be the prototype strain of a group of viruses that are an important cause of epidemic gastroenteritis in adults and older children. To my knowledge it's not a new virus, just unrecognized until 40 years ago. It's hard to believe NHS estimates that it causes up to a million cases each year in the UK, of what would have previously been called " gastric flu " or D and V ( diarrhoea and vomiting ).

  8. #8
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    Now I know what it really is - Thanks Doc !

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I will get an illness this week when i go out on my monthly piss up,no known cure just take it like a man.
    remedys include 2 paracetamol,lots of water,full English sunday morning,2 bottles of lucozade (big ones) and takeaway vindaloo Sunday night
    Well thats what i did last month and it sort of worked

  10. #10
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    There was a Norovirus breakout in school just recently where my mum-in-law worked... They have to postponed school for another week. But it is well taken cared of now...

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