Well folks, after a very busy few weeks I now find myself with a spare 5 minutes on my hands to log in and tell you all whats been going on in my life. As some of you may remember I was on a heavy lift / pipelay vessel that is in Rejekia in Croatia undergoing a full conversion to pipelay spread. This is expected to take until June next year. Anyway I wasn't keen on spending all that time on my own on nightshift until then, especailly over the xmas period (I was due back to work on the 15th December).

Anyway I've got my self a new job working on a drilling ship offshore Mozambique. I've been here a week and got 3 to go so hopefully I'll be walking in my front door on the morning of the 23rd December, which will be nice. Its a pretty good set up here and we're well protected from pirates (not that they venture this far south.....yet). We have several nice armed gentlemen onboard and a small floatilla of armed vessel that also carry an few chaps with guns as well, so we'll have now bother fending off a few pirates in a skiff.

Anyway I just thought I'd let you all know what I've been up to, but i'd better go and look interested in whats going on.

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