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Thread: Passport Name Change

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Its just like a double barrel name to me. .

    Yep. Thats what I thought.....

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Also, in the interest of getting my wife to the UK asap we felt it was quicker to not change her passport in Phils, but obviously in your case Andy, you have some time available so that wont matter so much.

    Looking back, I (we) had developed a paranoia about a lot of the processes required to get my good wife to the UK and so we took what appeared to be the easy route by skipping out a visit to the DFA. As in get the Mrs over here and worry about the passport later. I had come across some folk who had problems when they submitted their passport to the DFA for a name change and so we went for the alternative approach. In truth, it may be just as potentially tricky (or easy) either way.

    If you do opt to go for not renewing the passport in Phils, once over here, in our case my wife takes my surname with her maiden name as her second name (if you see what I mean), which seems to work really well when she presents her passport and MC as ID here, as those that need to know can see both my surname and her maiden name together.

    Ah I see what you mean lastlid. What a game!. Shes worth it though,

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    As I have said many times there is NO LAW in UK that a woman must change her name on marriage. In fact, there NO LAW, which says, she CAN or even should. It is merely convention / practice and smacks of the idea that a wife belongs to her husband!

    There is no reason why a woman upon marriage should not keep her name and have everything issued in that name.

    If I were a woman, I would not change my name, on marriage

    My wife wanted to change her name but we compromised so now she had a hyphenated surname, her maiden name and my surname.

    All we did was go to the Philippine in Madrid and they made a manuscript alteration. I cannot remember the cost but it was insignificant. She has since renewed her passport in Manila using the hyphenated surname.

    I also repeat, that anyone can change their name in the UK under Common Law just by saying they are doing so. Deed Pole is often mistaken, people believing that it empowers one to make the change. That is not so. It is just a registration that one HAS CHANGED their name.

    This means that a man can easily change his name to that of his wife if he chooses to do so.

    In talking about changing one's name. Just for the record I did it in UK about 25 years ago, my passport, NI number, bank accounts, credit cards, D/L everything (except birth cert which cannot be changed) No problems.
    Call me old fashioned but, if my fiancee told me she didn't want my to use my surname id have deep reservations about marrying her.

    what on earth would you call the children..double barrel I guess...I wonder who wil decide who name will go a guess the woman will make that choice

    Welcome to liberalised Britain at its best

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Call me old fashioned but, if my fiancee told me she didn't want my to use my surname id have deep reservations about marrying her.

    what on earth would you call the children..double barrel I guess...I wonder who wil decide who name will go a guess the woman will make that choice

    Welcome to liberalised Britain at its best
    In Spain no one changes their name on marriage, the men don't seem to feel any less confident in their 'manliness.' Children take the first surname of both parents.

    If I expected my intended to subjugate herself to 'prove her love' I would hope she would see the writing on the wall and go and find a real man, instead of one who wanted to 'own' her !

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    In Spain no one changes their name on marriage, the men don't seem to feel any less confident in their 'manliness.' Children take the first surname of both parents.

    If I expected my intended to subjugate herself to 'prove her love' I would hope she would see the writing on the wall and go and find a real man, instead of one who wanted to 'own' her !
    What's this 'manliness' and 'confidence' stuff about? lost me there John.

    What I was meaning was, taking the husbands surname is traditional in most countries....even in The my case, nothing to do with ego

    My wife was so proud changing her name in her passport to ie; Christian name, father's name and my surname. I was equally proud to have my name attached to my wife's previous surname....everybody happy

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    What's this 'manliness' and 'confidence' stuff about? lost me there John.
    I was referring to your comment "Call me old fashioned but, if my fiancee told me she didn't want my to use my surname id have deep reservations about marrying her."

    That seemed to imply insecurity to me.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I was referring to your comment "Call me old fashioned but, if my fiancee told me she didn't want my to use my surname id have deep reservations about marrying her."

    That seemed to imply insecurity to me.
    Family and friends who know me personally, would beg to differ.

    I, like most are traditionalists, whether we like it or not.

    Certainly nothing to do with insecurity...I apologise for the unintentional implication.

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